Learn the basics and discover the workspace.
Learn how to manipulate entities.
Learn how to work with entities using the Entity Editor.
View new features for Altair HyperWorks 2025.
Explore the user interface.
View controls enable you to control the view and display of your model in the modeling window.
Quickly find and open the tools and browsers that are available from the ribbons, as well as create entities and solver cards.
Select and deselect entities to modify with other tools. Selected entities are outlined to indicate their selection state.
Use snap points to help align geometry.
Translate, rotate, and align the model.
Several tools require you to define a plane or a vector direction to perform a certain function, such as dragging geometry along a vector, spinning it about an axis, or splitting it with a plane. The Plane and Vector tools are used to define and edit planes and directions.
Use the Measure tool to measure length, angles, radii, areas, volumes, centers of gravity, and bounding boxes.
Learn the basics of working with entities.
Every entity is assigned solver specific data, which you can modify using the Entity Editor.
Create, edit, and assign new entities to an existing entity or group of entities in the Entity Editor.
In the Abaqus, LS-DYNA, Nastran, OptiStruct, PAM-CRASH, and Radioss user profiles, certain entities can be defined with parameters in the Entity Editor.
Filter the entities that are not applicable to the entity displayed in the Entity Editor.
Set entities are used to define and store lists of entity IDs for a specific entity.
Define the mandatory, default value, and/or hidden state settings for entity attributes.
Use the tools in the Home ribbon group menu to transform, mirror/reflect, and adjust the dimensions of entities.
Add metadata to all types of entities. The added metadata can be saved to an *.hm file.
Undo and redo actions.
Default keyboard shortcuts and mouse controls.
Supported SpaceBall or SpaceMouse devices.
Learn more about the Altair HyperWorks suite of products with interactive tutorials.
Start and configure the applications.
View a list of deprecated panels and their newer, equivalent workflows.
Create, open, import, and save models.
Set up sessions and create report templates.
Solver interfaces supported in HyperMesh.
A solver interface is made up of a template and a FE-input reader.
Browsers provide a structured view of model data, which you can use to review, modify, create, and manage the contents of a model. In addition to visualization, browsers offer features like search, filtering, and sorting, which enhance your ability to navigate and interact with the model data.
Create and edit 2D parametric sketch geometry.
Create, edit, and cleanup geometry.
FE geometry is topology on top of mesh, meaning CAD and mesh exist as a single entity. The purpose of FE geometry is to add vertices, edges, surfaces, and solids on FE models which have no CAD geometry.
Explore the different types of mesh you can create in HyperMesh and create and edit 0D, 1D, 2D, and 3D elements.
Create, organize and manage parts and subsystems.
HyperMesh composites modeling.
Create connections between parts of your model.
Rapidly change the shape of the FE mesh without severely sacrificing the mesh quality.
Create a reduced ordered model to facilitate optimization at the concept phase.
Workflow to support topology optimization model build and setup.
Setup an Optimization in HyperMesh.
Multi-disciplinary design exploration and optimization tools.
Validate the model built before running solver analysis.
Models require loads and boundary conditions in order to represent the various physics and/or physical equivalents to bench and in-use testing.
Reduce a full 3D model with axisymmetric surfaces while accounting for imperfections.
Tools and workflows that are dedicated to rapidly creating new parts for specific use cases, or amending existing parts. The current capabilities are focused on stiffening parts.
Tools used for crash and safety analysis.
Use airbag folder utilities and export a resulting airbag in a Radioss deck.
Essential utility tools developed using HyperMesh-Tcl.
Import an aeroelastic finite element model with Nastran Bulk Data format.
Framework to plug certification methods to assess margin of safety from the model and result information.
Use PhysicsAI to build fast predictive models from CAE data. PhysicsAI can be trained on data with any physics or remeshing and without design variables.
Results data can be post-processed using both HyperMesh and HyperView.
The Developer ribbon contains tools for automation and customization.
HyperGraph is a data analysis and plotting tool with interfaces to many file formats.
MotionView is a general pre-processor for Multibody Dynamics.
MediaView plays video files, displays static images, tracks objects, and measures distances.
Use TableView to create an Excel-like spreadsheet.
TextView math scripts reference vector data from HyperGraph windows to automate data processing and data summary.
Create, define, and export reports.
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