Trace Components During Animation

  1. From the Tracing panel, under Trace, select Component.
  2. Select the components to trace.
    • Select nodes By ID using the input collector.
    • Pick the components directly from the modeling window.
    The selected components are displayed in the list box.
  3. Select a Tracing mode option.
    From first step The selected entities are traced starting at the first step to the current step as the model is animated. A line is drawn to illustrate the traced entities. The traced path is erased when the animation starts over.
    All steps All steps of the selected entities are traced.
    Last The traced path is restricted to the last user-specified time steps before the current step. This gives the appearance that the path is following the selected entities. The number of time steps specified will be applied to all entities displayed using this option. HyperView accepts time steps 1-99.
    Select The selected entities are traced for the selected simulation steps. Click on … to select the required steps.
  4. Animate the model.
    Note: Tracing is not displayed unless the time steps have been loaded.
    Tip: The number of time steps displayed behind the traced entities can be specified in the preferences.mvw file using the *NumStepsToTrace() statement.