Color Band Generation
A contour plot generates color bands on the model, based on the values found in the results file.
HyperView processes these values as described below:
- Nodal results
- Nodal results such as temperature, displacement, velocity or acceleration are stored at the nodes. Colors are displayed at the nodes using nodal values directly or transformed values using the system selected for Resolved in.
- Element results
- The values can be located at the element centroidal or corners. The Use corner data
option is available when a result file contains corner results. You can display the
results at the elements directly without using an averaging method, or average them to
nodes using the simple or advanced averaging method. The calculated values shown in
the legend may vary due to the different averaging methods.
Centroidal results A solid color is displayed at the elements using the elemental centroidal results directly. Corner results The values are located at the corners of an element. Discontinuous color bands are displayed within each element using corner results. None When no averaging method is used, the results remain as element binding, so you can query results using the Elements option in the Query panel or Measure panel. - Simple averaging
- HyperView averages the results to the nodes based on a user-specified variation percentage. If the Variation (%) option is not used, HyperView simply averages the elemental values to nodes and the calculated results can be queried at nodes. If Variation (%) is enabled, HyperView averages elemental values to the nodes at the areas where the variation is less than the specified percentage and leaves other areas as they are without averaging. In this case, HyperView represents results in element binding, so you can query results using the Elements input collector on the Query panel. When entering the Query panel, you can see the contour values are displayed as available elemental items. See the Variation Percentage Control topic for further explanation.
- Advanced averaging
- Advanced averaging is similar to simple averaging. Without using variation, HyperView averages elemental values to all nodes. The calculated nodal results can be queried using the Nodes input collector on the Query panel. When using variation, the results remain as element bound and are queried using the Elements input collector.
- Difference
- HyperView calculates the difference of corner or centroidal results and assigns it to a node. You can query results using the Nodes input collector on the Query panel.
- Modal animation
- The Complex filter options allow you to extract one of the components from a complex number such as mag, phase, real, or imaginary separately.
- HyperView automatically recognizes a subcase with complex results and loads the model and results in the modal mode.
- Complex filter is activated when a complex result type is selected. It is only applied to result types that are provided directly from solvers such as Displacements X, Y, Z or Stress Sxx, Syy, Szz, etc. This filter is not applicable to derived results such as Displacement magnitude or vonMises.
- If you measure contour nodal results as a complex number using mag cos(wt-phase), a sinusoidal (Cosine) curve with phase shift is calculated.
- If you measure any of the components of a complex number (mag, phase, real or imaginary), the curve is shown as constant.
- Transient mode
- HyperView will use the Mag across all the frequencies. This will be useful to examine the peak across all the frequencies. Essentially, the curve created from measure should agree with the curve of magnitude you get from the PCH file in the complex plot.
- Envelope loadstep - Contour panel options
- An Envelope loadstep (with Min, Max, Extreme, and Range options) is a single simulation step containing results from multiple simulation steps for the model. Result transformations and Averaging options are not available for data contoured from an Envelope loadstep. All results are presented in the Analysis system with no averaging.