- poIModel AddAssembly
Adds a new assembly.
- poIModel AddCrossSection
Adds a section of the specified type to the current client.
- poIModel AddExplosion
Adds a new explosion to the current model.
- poIModel AddPart
Creates a part from the given part reference parented by the given assembly locator string.
- poIModel AddSelectionSet
Creates a new selection set on the current model.
- poIModel AddTrackingSystem
Creates a tracking system and assigns a name.
- poIModel AddUserDefinedSystem
Adds a new coordinate system to the current model.
- poIModel ApplyDefaults
Sets component material to default values. Calling this command on an assembly has no affect.
- poIModel ApplyStyleTo
Applies the style of the current model to another model on the current page, or on a different page in the session.
- poIModel ChangeSelectionSetType
Changes the type of the current selection set with respect to the selection set entity binding.
- poIModel DefineAssembly
Defines an assembly in a model.
- poIModel GetActiveExplosion
Gets the ID of the active explosion.
- poIModel GetActiveTrackingSystem
Gets the active tracking system ID.
- poIModel GetAssemblyHandle
Gets an assembly handle for the given assembly locator string.
- poIModel GetAssemblyID
Gets the parent assembly's ID.
- poIModel GetBoundingBox
Returns the bounding box coordinates of the model.
- poIModel GetChildrenList
Gets the number of child components. For an assembly, only the child parts and assemblies are returned, the IDs of child systems are not returned.
- poIModel GetColor
Gets the component color index. If this component is an assembly, the returned color will always be the first one listed in the color table.
- poIModel GetColorMode
Gets the current color mode for the model.
- poIModel GetColorModeList
Gets the list of available color modes.
- poIModel GetComponentHandle
Gets a handle to the given component by ID.
- poIModel GetComponentID
Gets the component ID.
- poIModel GetCrossSectionHandle
Gets a handle to the given cross section by ID.
- poIModel GetCrossSectionList
Gets a list of cross sections IDs (both planar and set types).
- poIModel GetCrossSectionPlanarList
Gets a list of cross sections IDs (planar type).
- poIModel GetCrossSectionSetList
Gets a list of cross sections IDs (set type).
- poIModel GetDisplayMode
Gets the component display option setting. If this component is an assembly, true will indicate that one or more child parts have the display mode set.
- poIModel GetDisplayModeList
Gets the list of component display modes.
- poIModel GetEntityCount
Gets the number of entities of a particular pool type and optionally, the pool label.
- poIModel GetEntityInfo
Returns the property information for a given entity.
- poIModel GetEntityList
Gets the list of entity IDs in a given pool.
- poIModel GetExplosionList
Gets a list of explosion IDs.
- poIModel GetFailureEntityCountList
Gets the failed element counts for a given element configuration and simulation.
- poIModel GetFailureTimeList
Gets the failure time list with information of element ID, time frame, and time value.
- poIModel GetFileName
Gets the model file name.
- poIModel GetGlobalPropertyList
Gets the global property list.
- poIModel GetID
Gets the model ID.
- poIModel GetLabel
Gets the label ID.
- poIModel GetMaskedElements
Populates the given set with the currently masked elements.
- poIModel GetMaterial
Gets the component material ID (zero if none assigned). If this is an assembly, -1 is always returned.
- poIModel GetMeshMode
Gets the component's mesh mode. If this is an assembly, ALL child parts must be set to the same mesh mode, otherwise the returned mode will be "none".
- poIModel GetNumberOfChildren
Gets the number of child components.
- poIModel GetNumberOfComponents
Gets the number of components in this model.
- poIModel GetNumberOfElements
Gets the number of elements in this model.
- poIModel GetNumberOfNodes
Gets the number of nodes in this model.
- poIModel GetNumberOfParts
Gets the number of parts in this model.
- poIModel GetNumberOfSystems
Gets the number of systems in the model.
- poIModel GetPartAssemblyHandle
Gets a handle to the given part assembly by ID.
- poIModel GetPartAssemblyList
Gets the list of part assembly IDs in the model.
- poIModel GetPartHandle
Gets a handle to the given part by ID.
- poIModel GetPartSetHandle
Gets a handle to the given part set by ID.
- poIModel GetPartSetList
Gets the list of part set IDs in the model.
- poIModel GetPolygonMode
Gets the component's polygon mode. If this is an assembly, ALL child parts must have the same polygon mode set, otherwise the returned mode will be "none".
- poIModel GetPoolList
Gets the list of pools for the particular type in this model.
- poIModel GetPoolTypeList
Gets the type of pools available in this model.
- poIModel GetQueryCtrlHandle
Gets a handle to the query control object.
- poIModel GetReaderName
Gets the model reader name.
- poIModel GetResultCtrlHandle
Gets a handle to the result control object.
- poIModel GetReaderPropertyList
Returns the reader options which were used to read the model data.
- poIModel GetResultFileName
Gets the attached result file name.
- poIModel GetResultList
Gets the list of loaded result IDs.
- poIModel GetResultReaderName
Gets the result reader name.
- poIModel GetResultReaderPropertyList
Returns the reader options which were used to read the result data.
- poIModel GetSelectionSetHandle
Retrieves the handle for a particular selection set.
- poIModel GetSelectionSetList
This command retrieves a list of all selection set IDs on the current model.
- poIModel GetStyleList
Gets a list of styles that can be applied to other models.
- poIModel GetSyncBlockID
Gets the model sync block ID.
- poIModel GetSystemGroupList
Gets the list of coordinate system groups (analogous to the HyperMesh system collectors).
- poIModel GetSystemHandle
Gets the coordinate system handle by ID.
- poIModel GetSystemList
Gets a list of coordinate systems for the given group ID.
- poIModel GetTracingCtrlHandle
Gets the tracing control.
- poIModel GetTracingMode
Gets the component's tracing mode. If this is an assembly mode, "ff" is always returned.
- poIModel GetTrackingSystemDisplayMode
Gets the tracking system's drawing mode.
- poIModel GetTrackingSystemHandle
Gets a handle to the given tracking system by ID.
- poIModel GetTrackingSystemList
Gets a list of tracking system IDs.
- poIModel GetTranslation
Gets the translation vector in the global coordinate system. If this component is an assembly, a zero translation will always be returned.
- poIModel GetType
Gets the component's type string.
- poIModel GetUserDefinedSystemHandle
Gets a handle for the user-defined system as specified by the ID string.
- poIModel GetUserDefinedSystemList
Gets a list containing all of the user-defined systems present in the current model.
- poIModel GetUserDefinedSystemTypeList
Gets a list containing all of the possible types of user-defined systems which can be created.
- poIModel GetVisibility
Gets the model's visibility state.
- poIModel GetVisibleNodesCoordinatesList
Gets the coordinates of the currently visible nodes for the part (part_locator). If for example there is an active 0 width cross section, only the nodes on the cut will be returned (the same will be true for ISO sections). Node positions will be listed only once.
- poIModel GetZViewableCount
Returns the number of entities in the selection set which are visible in the current view orientation.
- poIModel Mask
Masks the contents of a selection set.
- poIModel MaskAll
Masks all parts or systems.
- poIModel MaskOffScreen
Masks off screen elements.
- poIModel RemoveAssembly
Removes an assembly from the model.
- poIModel RemoveExplosion
Removes the given explosion by ID.
- poIModel RemovePart
Removes the given part reference from its parent.
- poIModel RemoveResult
Removes a result from the model.
- poIModel RemoveSelectionSet
Removes a selection set on the current model.
- poIModel RemoveTrackingSystem
Removes the given tracking system by ID.
- poIModel RemoveUserDefinedSystem
Removes a user-defined system from the current model.
- poIModel ReverseMask
Reverses the visibility on elements and systems.
- poIModel SetActiveExplosion
Sets the active explosion by ID.
- poIModel SetActiveTrackingSystem
Sets the active tracking system by ID.
- poIModel SetApproximationError
Sets the model's approximation error.
- poIModel SetAssemblyID
Sets the parent to the assembly identified by assy_id. This will always fail. You cannot change the model's parent.
- poIModel SetAttribute
Enables or disables the selection set identified by the set_id.
- poIModel SetColor
Sets the component's color index. This command will be invalid if it is called on a component that is an assembly, doing so will have no affect, and a warning will be returned.
- poIModel SetColorMode
Sets the current color mode for the model.
- poIModel SetDisplayMode
Sets the component display option setting. If this component is an assembly, all the child parts will be set to this state.
- poIModel SetLabel
Sets the model label.
- poIModel SetMaterial
Sets the component material index. Calling this command on an assembly has no affect.
- poIModel SetMeshMode
Sets the component's mesh mode. If this is an assembly, ALL child parts are set to the specified mesh mode.
- poIModel SetPolygonMode
Sets the component's polygon mode. If this is an assembly, ALL child parts are set to the specified polygon mode.
- poIModel SetResult
Attaches the given result file to the model.
- poIModel SetSync
Sets the model sync value.
- poIModel SetTracingMode
Sets the component's tracing mode. This command has no affect on an assembly.
- poIModel SetTrackingSystemDisplayMode
Sets the tracking system drawing mode.
- poIModel SetTranslation
Sets the translation vector in the global coordinate system. If this component is an assembly, a zero translation will always be returned. Translating/exploding the root level (model) assembly is an invalid operation. The translation will be put into a TRANSLATION mode explosion.
- poIModel SetVisibility
Sets the model's visibility state (doesn't affect part/element visibility).
- poIModel UnMask
Unmasks the contents of a selection set.
- poIModel UnMaskAll
Unmasks all elements.
- poIModel UnMaskOnScreen
Unmasks screen elements.