Define Output Control Settings

Use the General Output tool to define settings for output controls.

From the Setup ribbon, Output tool, click the General Output tool.
Figure 1.

The Output Controls dialog opens.

Define Settings in the Output Controls Dialog


Start time
The time at which HyperMesh CFD should start computing the time averaged coefficients.
Averaging window size
The time period over which the Window Average is computed.
Moment system
Select the system in which the moments should be computed.

If you select Auto, the moment reference system is the center of a bounding box projected onto the floor. The order of precedence for choosing the bounding box is: first, identified wheels, second, the model, and third, the wind tunnel. The order of precedence for choosing the floor is the minimum Z value of the bounding box of: first, the wind tunnel, and second, the chosen bounding box. The Z value of the center of the chosen bounding box is projected onto the chosen floor by an order of precedence of: first, the tunnel Z-axis, and second, the chosen bounding box Z-axis.

Output frequency
Frequency to write result data to disk; for example if set to 50, the results of iteration 50, 100, 150,… are written to disk. Click to control the output variables written to the disk and the time step at which the output is started.
Output file format
In the Case Setup environment, this defines the output file format for all surface and volume output types from the solver.
By default, Ensight is turned on, H3D is turned off. You can choose both or one of the options but must select at least one.
Merge output files
Merge the distributed output files written by ultraFluidX into a single file.

By default, ultraFluidX writes separate output files for each parallel process that is taking part in the simulation. This distributed output can be read directly by AcuFieldView when running AcuFieldView in parallel. However, if you are running AcuFieldView on a single processor, it is necessary to merge the ultraFluidX output files before you will be able to read them in for visualization.

Note: Toggling this option on will result in two sets of output on disk. One that is merged and one that is distributed.
Merge and Delete Files
Merges output files into single output file and deletes the distributed output files, leaving only the merged output.
Saved output states
Keep all or a specified number of result output files on disk. This option reduces the memory footprint on disk. If a results animation is planned, select the All option.
Scientific notation
Scientific notation for probe output data.
Output precision
Specify floating point precision for probe output data.

Aerodynamic Coefficients

Frontal area
Input the frontal area of the car manually or have the ultraFluidX solver compute it automatically.
Wheelbase is the distance between the front and rear axles. This value is used to calculate the pitching moment, which in turn enables calculation of the front and rear lift coefficients.
Output coefficients on each part
Specifies if the aerodynamic coefficients should also be output by part.
Output sectional coefficient in X
Specifies the number of sections along the x direction of the object that should be used for the sectional coefficient output.
Output sectional coefficient in Y
Specifies the number of sections along the y direction of the object that should be used for the sectional coefficient output.
Output sectional coefficient in Z
Specifies the number of sections along the z direction of the object that should be used for the sectional coefficient output.
Output start iteration
Specifies when to start the coefficient output (coarsest iteration).