- Surface Equivalence Principle (SEP)
The default solver in Feko is the method of moments (MoM) using surface equivalence principle (SEP).
- Volume Equivalence Principle (VEP)
Volume equivalence principle (VEP) is an extension to the method of moments (MoM) for the modelling of dielectric bodies. The regions of such bodies can be arbitrarily shaped and are discretised into tetrahedra.
- Higher Order Basis Functions (HOBF)
Higher order basis functions (HOBF) use higher order polynomial basis functions to model the currents on any particular mesh element.
- Characteristic Basis Functions Method (CBFM)
Characteristic basis functions are special basis functions for the method of moments defined on large domains (blocks) that contain large numbers of sub-domains meshed into triangles.
- Low-Frequency Stabilisation
At very low frequencies (frequency range where the largest dimension of the model is much smaller than a wavelength), the method of moments (MoM) solution can become numerically unstable and singular.
- Numerical Green's Function (NGF)
In the solution of large electromagnetic problems solved using the method of moments (MoM), sometimes a considerable part of the geometry remains unchanged, while only a small part changes. The unchanged part (static interaction matrix) can be saved to a .ngf file and reused to reduce CPU time.
- Defining an Aperture in an Infinite PEC Plane
Model a slot or aperture in an infinite plane using the planar Green's function aperture. The aperture is discretised instead of the surrounding ground plane, reducing the number of triangles and run time.