Select a Time Step

Generally, a Time Step is selected as a percentage of the Rayleigh Time Step value. The normal range is 10%-40% of the Rayleigh Time Step.

To select a Time Step:
In the Simulator Settings dialog box, specify the following details:
For Specify
Time Step
Time Integration Select the appropriate time integration scheme. Options are: Euler, Position Verlet, and Velocity Verlet.

Euler is a first-order time integration method and is used as the default time integration method for EDEM.

Position Verlet and Velocity Verlet are integration methods of second order. Velocities and positions are calculated for time steps which are t/2 apart. The Verlet methods come at a slight additional computational cost (up to 10%). However, the methods come with increased computational accuracy.
Note: These methods are compatible only with Multi-Spheres.
Auto Time Step Select this checkbox to automatically adjust the Rayleigh Time Step to the smallest radius that is currently in the simulation rather than the smallest radius to be created. It uses 20% for this particle size. For example, a simulation that has 10mm particles from t=0s and 3mm particles from t=3s will use 20% of the Rayleigh Time Step obtained with 10mm until time 3s, when it would be updated to the Time Step value obtained with 3mm.

Set the Simulation Time

The simulation time is the amount of real time your simulation represents.

To set the simulation time:
In the Simulator Settings dialog box, specify the following details:
For Specify
Simulation Time
Total Time Specify the total actual length of the simulation in seconds or minutes.
Required Iterations Indicates the number of iterations required to complete a simulation of a defined time using the defined Time Step. For example, 5e+05 iterations are required to produce one second of simulation with a Time Step of 2e-06.