Run EDEM in Batch Mode

EDEM's Command Line Interface allows you to run EDEM in batch mode without using the GUI.

To run EDEM in batch mode:
  1. Use an existing cluster with limited display capability to do grid processing.
  2. Create batch jobs to run the simulations.
    Optionally, you can develop advanced scripting for parametric optimization.
  3. Export the following simulation data to a .csv file once the simulation completes:
    • Command Line Flags
    • Command Line Examples
    • Command Line Output

    While processing, the EDEM Command Line outputs a row of numbers at regular intervals.

    From the left to right, the columns indicate the following:
    • Number of Time Steps
    • Simulation time (s)
    • Processing time (s)
    • Expected time to process one second of simulation time (s)