Placement Mark
Analyze the mounting position of the component, and verify the size of the placement mark.
More detailed information:
- Placement Matching: If the placement mark size does not match the specified
size range, it is fail..
- Placement Mark Definition:
- Top Layer: Select the layer of the specified placement mark for the top side.
- Bottom Layer: Select the layer of the specified placement mark for the bottom side.
- Mark Width: Input the width of the placement mark.
- Mark Height: Input the height of the placement mark.
- Component Group: Specify the component group for analysis.
- Tolerance: Input a tolerance for comparing the width and height
- Placement Mark Definition:
- Placement mark match between two components: Check if the placement marks of
two components match. If the placement mark does not match between the two
components, it is fail.
- Base Component Group: Select the component of the base placement mark.
- Target component Group: Select the component of the target placement mark.
- Tolerance: Input a tolerance for comparing between the two components.