The Preview Window

The Preview Window allows you to:

  • Open a data source

  • Preview and confirm the data in the data source

  • Select which columns to include in the data source when it is loaded into a workspace

  • Perform filter operations on specific columns

  • Load the data source into your workspace

The Preview Window initially displays a list of tables from the data sources you have opened.


These tables may be:

Several panels display when a table is previewed


Preview Window panels




The standard  Monarch Data Prep Studio Toolbar

Beginning from the left-hand side of the toolbar, you can:


Recent Files

This pane can be expanded or collapsed by clicking the Recent Files button. When expanded, it displays a list of all recent workspaces, files, and connections used in the application. 



Preview Tools

Select a tool to select or deselect a table, prior to loading. You can also select to:

  • New to open another file or data source

  • Close All or Close Selected to remove all or specific tables, respectively, from the Table List  

  • Open Selected to load all selected tables into the workspace.


Table List

The table list shows all of the data sources you have opened.

From this panel, you can:

  • Select a table to open in Table Preview or in the Prepare window. Note that only one table can be previewed at any one time, but you can select all tables at once (by selecting the appropriate Name box) to load in the Prepare window.

  • Filter for a specific table name, type (i.e., delimited text, Excel, Access), source (i.e., the file in which the table resides), and path

  • Sort tables according to specific criteria (i.e., name, type, source name, and path)

  • Clear all filters


Table Preview

This panel includes several subpanels that provide more information on your selected table.


A. Row Count and Row Limit Configuration

Displays the number of rows in the data source.


B. Column Information

This panel displays a list of the columns in the table currently in preview, their data type, number of unique values, and number of missing values (nulls or blanks).

You can sort the columns of the selected table by name or type by clicking the Sort  icon located to the right of the corresponding sort option. 

You can modify load options for specific file types (e.g., HTML, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, delimited text) by clicking on the Load Options button. 

When previewing HTML tables, clicking on the Text Viewer  icon displays a dialog showing the HTML style code of the table.

Clearing the checkbox beside a column removes it from the table when loaded in the Prepare window. Thus, when the table is loaded, this column will not be displayed.

Clicking the Filter  icon beside a column expands the Filters pane and allows you to define various filters depending on the column's data type. Filters applied to the columns of a table in the Preview window are applied to the table when loaded into the Prepare window.  


C. Column Statistics

When a column is selected in the Column Information subpanel, all unique values of that column, as well as various statistics according to data type, display in the Column Statistics subpanel.

File information is also displayed for file-based data sources. 


D. Filters

This subpanel can be expanded or collapsed by clicking the Filters button. When expanded, it displays a list of all filters applied to a selected table.


E. Data Preview

The Data Preview subpanel displays sample rows from the selected table. This subpanel allows you to visually confirm whether the data you need are in the table you selected.

Icons on the header readily tell you a column's data type:

  •  Date/Time
  •  Number
  •  Text

If your table is especially wide, you can filter for specific columns using the column filter control. 




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