The Application Default Settings

Application Default settings allow you to specify global (i.e., application-level) workspace settings for Monarch Data Prep Studio. Each of these settings is described in detail below.






Default source row limit

Specifies a row limit to enable the partial data loading of excessively large files and improve the application's performance.

To do so, use the dropdown provided and select Limit: from the options that display. In the field that appears to the right of this selection, specify a row limit to apply when opening tables.


  • The number of rows displayed does not affect the number of rows obtained when a table is exported. You could, for example, set a limit of 10,000 rows to view when opening a table with 1,000,000 rows. When ready, you may opt to export only 10,000 rows or all 1,000,000 rows as necessary.

  • The application imposes a 2,000-record limit when opening SalesForce reports. To get a full view of the data when opening SalesForce reports with over 2,000 rows, export the data to a CSV file in SalesForce and then use the Text plugin to import the data.

Automatically sync columns with source data on load or refresh data for supported data sources

Instructs Monarch Data Prep Studio to sync columns with the data source when opening a workspace or refresh data for supported data sources.

While in this mode, your Change History items may reflect errors if the column they were applied to is renamed or deleted from the source file. The supported data types for this mode are delimited text and Excel.

Default Excel Importer

Selects a default Excel importer to use when one has not been explicitly chosen (e.g., an Excel file is dropped into the application, the Open File or Open Web File buttons are selected in the Open Data dialog).

  • Prompt for choice

  • Open as a Database

  • Open in Worksheet Design

Default PDF Importer

Selects a default PDF importer to use when one has not been explicitly chosen (e.g., when a PDF file is dropped into the application or when the Open File or Open Web File buttons are selected in the Open Data dialog).

  • Prompt for choice

  • Open in Report Design

  • Open in PDF Table Extractor

Apply to current Workspace

Applies the specified settings to the current workspace.






Excel Import Connector

Instructs Monarch Data Prep Studio whether to import new Excel data using the Monarch Excel Table connector (i.e., the Aspose engine) or the ACE OLE DB connector (i.e., the legacy engine).

Upgrade settings for existing workspaces

Instructs Monarch Data Prep Studio whether to retain the use of the original import connector to load the data or use the Monarch Excel Table connector when an existing workspace containing an existing Excel data source is opened.

Default sample size when detecting Excel column types

Specifies how Monarch Data Prep Studio determines the data type of a column in an Excel data source.

Take the following example:

Column A

Row 1              1234

Row 2              4569

Row 3              4568

Row 4              4562

Row 5              4562A

If the default sample size is set to 4, Monarch Data Prep Studio will scan up to Row 4 and the column datatype will be Numeric. When the table is displayed, Row 5 will be NULL. If the default sample size is set to 5, Monarch Data Prep Studio will scan up to Row 5 and the column datatype will be Text. All values from Rows 1-5 are displayed.

Select a sample size that ensures Monarch Data Prep Studio can make a correct assessment of the data type. At the same time, be mindful that if you select a very large sample size, you sacrifice speed in loading data.

Show Excel named ranges when opening an Excel workbook

Species whether to import Excel named ranges as individual tables.

When you load an Excel source containing multiple sheets and sheets with named ranges, each sheet and named range will be listed as individual tables in the Preview window.

Named ranges will be visible only to Excel workbooks you open after this setting is enabled, including Excel files added to the Prepare window via drag and drop.

This setting is not affected by the Apply to current workspace setting.

Import all columns as text to avoid potential loss of data during type conversion

Converts all columns imported from the data source as text regardless of their original type.


Selecting this checkbox in the Application Default Settings dialog will not affect the column types in existing load plans.

Apply to current Workspace

Applies the specified settings to the current workspace.





Utilize unformatted values from Excel for numeric and date columns

Instructs the application to use unformatted values from Excel cells for various operations, including cell/column type detection, "Is Number" and "Is Date" value rule behaviors, and the output table values for numeric and date columns, when opening a data source in Excel Worksheet Design. 

Recursively evaluate formulas

Instructs the application to calculate dependent cells in a worksheet if this worksheet's cells depend on the cells of other worksheets.


This setting may have an important impact on the application's performance, particularly if numerous cells must be calculated. 

Apply to current Workspace

Applies the specified settings to the current workspace.





Rows to scan for columns

Specifies a number of rows that must be scanned by Monarch Data Prep Studio to determine what data type to assign to a certain column.


Setting this number to a very high value may negatively impact the application's load performance depending on the number of rows and columns in your input source.


Specifies the encoding type to apply when loading the table into your workspace.

The encoding types enabled for delimited-text files include:

  • Code Page

  • UTF-8

  • UTF-16LE

  • UTF-16BE

When Code Page is selected as the encoding type, the Code Page dropdown is activated, and you can select the code page to apply to your delimited text file. 

Apply to current Workspace

Applies the specified settings to the current workspace.







Automatically redact sample text

Instructs the application to automatically redact the sample text line in Report Design.


Default PDF Engine Mode

Specifies the default engine mode to apply when setting document options to align text in PDF, XPS, and PRN files. 



Specifies the default report file format.

The following encoding types are supported by Monarch Data Prep Studio:

  • ASCII: Select to make Monarch Data Prep Studio interpret report files as ASCII text and perform the conversion to ANSI. This is the default setting because most report files are created as ASCII text files.

  • ANSI: Select to make Monarch Data Prep Studio read report files as ANSI text and perform no conversion. While most report files are created as ASCII text files, report files generated from Windows applications may be created as ANSI text files. The difference lies with characters 128 - 255 in the character set: in these positions, the ANSI character set includes international characters not present in the ASCII character set.

  • UTF-8  (8-bit Unicode Transformation Format): Select to make Monarch Data Prep Studio interpret report files as UTF-8 files. UTF-8 is a variable-length character encoding for Unicode, which is able to represent any character in the Unicode standard, yet it is backwards compatible with ASCII. If a valid BOM (Byte order mark) is detected within the input file, then Monarch Data Prep Studio will automatically select the UTF-8 type when opening the file.

  • UTF-16 LE (16-bit Unicode Transformation format, Little Endian): Select to make Monarch Data Prep Studio interpret report files as UTF-16 LE files. UTF-16 LE is the Unicode Transformation Format that serializes a Unicode value as a sequence of two bytes, in little-endian format. If a valid BOM (Byte order mark) is detected within the input file, then Monarch Data Prep Studio will automatically select the UTF-16 LE type when opening the file.

  • UTF-16 BE (16-bit Unicode Transformation format, Big Endian): Select to make Monarch Data Prep Studio interpret report files as UTF-16 BE files. UTF-16 BE is the Unicode Transformation Format that serializes a Unicode value as a sequence of two bytes, in big-endian format. If a valid BOM (Byte order mark) is detected within the input file, then Monarch Data Prep Studio will automatically select the UTF-16 BE type when opening the file.

  • EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code): Select to make Monarch Data Prep Studio interpret report files as EBCDIC files. EBCDIC is an eight-bit character encoding system used mainly on IBM mainframe and IBM mid-range computer operating systems.

These options may also be accessed in open files by right-clicking on the report in Report view.

Code page

Selects the appropriate code page to use with the chosen input file encoding format.

This option is only applicable to the ASCII (14 code pages available), ANSI (10 code pages available), and EBCDIC (16 code pages available) encoding systems.

These options may also be accessed in open files by right-clicking on the report in Report view.

File Type

Specifies the file type to use with the EBCDIC encoding option.

This option is enabled only when EBCDIC is selected as the encoding type. The available options are:

  • Auto - Selecting this option instructs Monarch Data Prep Studio to automatically determine the record/line delimiter.

  • Line Feed (LF) - This file type includes files where the end of record is an ASCII line feed character.

  • Carriage Return (CR) -This file type includes files where the end of record is an ASCII carriage return character.

  • EBCDIC New Line (NL) - This file type includes files where the end of record is an EBCDIC new line character.

  • EBCDIC Line Feed (LF) - This file type includes files where the end of record is an EBCDIC line feed character.

  • Fixed-length record - This file type includes files where each line (or record) consists of a fixed number of characters/bytes.

  • Variable-length record - This file type includes files consisting of variable length lines (or records). Each record is preceded by a 4 byte record descriptor that specifies the record length.

  • Variable length block - This file type includes files similar to variable-length records but also includes a block descriptor.

  • Undefined-length record - This file type includes files with no defined record length or block.

  • Custom byte as EOL - This file type includes files where the end of line is marked by a custom number of characters/bytes

Ignore print control characters

Instructs Monarch Data Prep Studio to ignore all print control characters below ASCII 32 except for:

  • Form Feed (ASCII 12)

  • Line Feed (ASCII 10)

  • Carriage Return (ASCII 13)

  • TAB (ASCII 09)

  • Null (ASCII 0) which is converted to a space (ASCII 32).

Ignore additional non-printing and control characters

Instructs the application to ignore Unicode characters in the report.

A number of Unicode characters are known to cause misalignment issues with Report Design's character position-based data capture. These characters include U+008D (reverse line feed), U0080 (padding character), U+200B (zero-width space), and U+FEFF (zero-width no-break space), for example.

Hide n leading characters on each line

Specifies the number of leading characters to strip from each line of a report. Typical values are 0, 1, and 2. The value can be in the range 0-99.

When you download print files from a network, a mini-computer, or a mainframe, one or more extra characters may appear at the beginning of each line. The exact number and type of characters depends on the operating system. These introductory characters are typically used for form feed, carriage return, or line feed printer commands. They are usually not needed in a PC file and may affect the way the file is displayed by Monarch Data Prep Studio.

A few communications programs are smart enough to either discard unnecessary characters or translate useful characters into the corresponding PC character codes. However, a form feed command is typically the only useful character you may get, and most communications programs are unable to translate it.

For example, if you download from an IBM 3090 mainframe computer using an IRMA communications card, each line in the report will be preceded by two non-productive characters. Using this setting, you can strip those characters from the data by entering 2 in the Hide n leading characters box.


Ignore the form feed character

Instructs Monarch Data Prep Studio to ignore all form feed (page break) characters in a report.

Use this setting to turn off the hard-coded page breaks in a report file and replace them with page breaks based upon a Page Header trap or based upon the Force Page Break After n Lines setting (see below).

Page break on hidden leading text: n

Instructs the application to hide control characters and force a page break when a specified character is encountered.

For some mainframe and mid-range system generated reports, especially from AS/400 systems, a page break could be indicated by a leading control character in the report file. This setting will allows you to hide this character and force a page break instead.


This option is not accessible unless you specify a Hide n Leading Characters on Each Line setting.

Force page break after n lines

Adds a page break to a file at regular intervals.

When a value for this setting is specified, Monarch Data Prep Studio scans the report for existing page breaks and inserts a virtual page break whenever a real page break has not been encountered before the number of lines specified.


Trim leading and trailing spaces from Character and Memo fields

Instructs the application to remove all leading and trailing spaces from character and memo fields.


Trap characters

Specifies whether to use Monarch Complete's standard trap characters or  alternate ones.

The Alternate trap characters have been chosen to be compatible with different languages, so that characters that are commonly used in a language are not chosen as wildcard trap characters. For example, in the standard trap character set, the Alpha Trap uses a character which is common in Portuguese, the Numeric Trap uses a character which is common in Spanish, the Blank trap uses a character which is common in German, and the non-blank trap uses a character that is common in Scandinavian languages.

  • English (Standard):  Select to use Monarch Classic's standard trap characters. (This is the default setting.)

  • Latin: Select to use Latin alternate trap characters.

  • Low ASCII: Select to use Low ASCII alternate trap characters.

Note: The characters used in the Alternate trap set are all low ANSI, i.e., lower than character code 128, so they will be consistent across all code pages.

Apply to current Workspace

Applies the specified settings to the current workspace.



Input settings for reports are also made available when you click Report Design Settings > Input in the Report Design window.






Apply formatting to XLS and XLSX files (Y/N)

Directs Monarch Data Prep Studio to apply table formatting when exporting to XLS and XLSX files.


Enable advanced Excel features (Y/N)

Instructs the application to enable advanced Excel features during export.



Specifies the character to use for separating field values when exporting to a delimited text file (comma, tab, semicolon, space, pipe).

Text Qualifier

Specifies a text qualifier (i.e., where text values begin and end) for CSV files.

Select the desired text qualifier from the drop-down (double quote, single quote, none).

Quote column names (Y/N)

Instructs the application to enclose column names with quotes. 

Date Format

Specifies the date format when exporting data to a delimited text file.

This setting can be configured only when the Delimited Text/XML > Legacy compatibility mode - Ignore format customizations during export setting is enabled. 

The valid date format options are:

  • yyyy-mm-dd

  • yyyymmdd

  • current Windows Regional Settings


Include Column Headers (Y/N)

Instructs the application to include column headers when exporting to the delimited text/fixed text format.  


Append DOS end-of-file character (x1A) (Y/N)

Specifies whether to append a DOS end-of-file character (x1A) to the end of the file.

This option is provided to enable compatibility with systems that expect the data in this format. This end-of-file character is often known as Control-z.


Specifies the encoding type to apply when exporting data to a delimited text file.

The possible encoding types are:

  • Code Page

  • UTF-8

  • UTF-16LE

  • UTF-16BE

When Code Page is selected as the encoding type, the Code Page dropdown is activated, and you can select the code page to apply to your delimited text file. 


Pad each field with n extra space

Instructs the application to separate exported fields with n extra spaces when exporting to a fixed text file.

With this option cleared, field values might "bump up" against each other producing, for example, "123.45CD" rather than "123.45 CD".

Pad generically formatted numeric fields with zeros, suppress the decimal point, and use trailing negation

Instructs the application to export generically formatted numeric fields using a standardized format that pads each value with leading zeros, removes the decimal point and places the negation sign at the end of the field value.

This format represents the number "-123.45" as "00012345-". Note that padding is applied only to numeric columns with the formats F, F<n>, G, or G<n>.

Insert a page break after n lines (Y/N)

Instructs the application to inserts a page break after n lines, which can be specified using the selector provided.

Repeat field names on each page

Instructs the application to add field names at the beginning of each new page. This setting is enabled only when the Include Column Headers option is selected. 

Default decimal precision when not supplied by column format

Specifies a fallback value to use when a decimal precision cannot be determined from the format string.


The "n" in the format G<n> denotes significant digits, NOT decimal precision. Thus, any G format will use this fallback value. 


Insert page breaks in reports

Instructs the application to insert page breaks at predefined points in multi-page reports.

  • Before first page and between pages

  • Never

  • Between pages only


Legacy compatibility mode - Ignore format customizations during export (Y/N)

Instructs the application to ignore column format customizations when exporting numeric and date columns in favor of Monarch Classic-style formatting.

When using Monarch Classic formatting, numeric values are exported using the current system's localized decimal separator, and date values are exported according to the Date Format setting.


Text Encoding

Specifies the text encoding type for PDF exports.

The possible values are:

  • User current system locale
  • Western 
  • Japanese
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Traditional Chinese


Use summary measure labels as column names during database exports (Y/N)

Instructs Monarch Data Prep Studio to use summary measure labels as column names.

When cleared, the underlying field name, instead of the label, is used to name measure columns.

Include field names as the first row when using Ctrl+C to copy the clipboard

Instructs the application to use column headers as the first row of any table created using the CTRL + C command.

Apply to current Workspace

Applies the specified settings to the current workspace.

Default Paths





Specifies the default path to the indicated folders. 

By default, Monarch Data Prep Studio saves all work data, workspaces, changes lists, and exports to C:\Users\Public\Documents\. You can configure Monarch Data Prep Studio to save to a different folder by clicking on the Folder  icon that displays beside each field. To enable folder tracking (i.e., use the last-accessed folder for subsequent file opening/saving activities), tick the check box for Track Last Folder.


Changes to this setting are reflected only when the current Monarch Data Prep Studio session is closed and a new one is opened.


Change Lists


Datasource Collection

Specifices the path to your Datasource Collection folder.

"Datasource Collection" refers to your data source library. "Snapshots" or backups of your library, which are saved with the .dpsv extension, can be created for easy access to previous versions of a specific data source or set of data sources. By default, this file is saved to C:\Users\Public\Documents\. 

  • To save the current library to a Datasource Collection file without a password:

Click the Current Datasource Collection Save As icon and then use the dialog that displays to specify the filename and location in which to save your file. Click Save on the Save As dialog and OK on the Application Default Settings dialog to save and apply your changes.

  • To save the current library to a Datasource Collection file without a password:

Click the Current Datasource Collection Save As with Password icon and then use the dialog that displays to specify the filename and location in which to save your file. Click Save on the Save As dialog and OK on the Application Default Settings dialog to save and apply your changes.

  • To create a new Datasource Collection file:

Click the Create a new Datasource Collection file icon to launch a file browser, and then use this browser to specify a filename and location in which to store your file. Click Save on the Save As dialog and OK on the Application Default Settings dialog to save and apply your changes. Note that when a new file is created, the default path automatically switches to this new file; no change to the previous library file occurs.  

  • To open a saved Datasource Collection file:

Click the icon in the Datasource Collection setting and then use the file browser that displays to navigate to and select the Datasource Collection file.


The Create a new Datasource Collection file, Current Datasource Collection Save As, and Collection Save As with Password commands do not overwrite the original/previous library file unless you choose to (by selecting the original file instead of specifying a new file name). In this case, the file path does not change and the original file is deleted in favor of the newly created library file.

Personal Macro Collection

Specifies the default path to your personal macros folder.

Similar to Datasource Collections, personal macros can be saved to a file; in this case, the file is saved with the .dpmc extension.

  • To save macros created in your workspace to a Personal Macro Collection file:

Click the Create a new Macro Collection file icon to launch a file browser, and then use this browser to specify a location in which to store your Macro Collection file. Click Save on the Save As dialog and OK on the Application Default Settings dialog to save and apply your changes.

  • To open and use a Personal Macro Collection file:

Click on the Browse for an existing Macro Collection file button and then use the file browser that displays to navigate to your Macro Collection file. Click Save on the Save As dialog and OK on the Application Default Settings dialog to save and apply your changes.

Shared Macro Collection

Specifies the default path to shared macro collections.

If macros have been shared with you, you can also set a path to this file.

  • To access macros from a Shared Macro Collection file:

Click on the Browse for an existing Macro Collection file button and then use the file browser that displays to navigate to the shared Macro Collection file. Click Save on the Save As dialog and OK on the Application Default Settings dialog to save and apply your changes.





From text to numeric

Decimal Separator - Specifies the character to use as a decimal separator when converting text into a numeric value. You can select:

  • Period
  • Comma

From text to date

Date Format - Specifies the format of dates used when converting text into a date value. You can select:

  • M/D/Y
  • D/M/Y
  • Y/M/D

First Year of Century - Specifies the first year of the century (100-year range) to use when converting two-digit years into four-digit years. The default value is 50 (i.e., 1950-2049).

Extraction Pattern - Specifies the pattern applied to a text string when converted into a date/time value. You can select:

  • Date
  • Date, then Time
  • Time
  • Time, then Date

Apply to current Workspace

Applies the specified settings to the current workspace.



While most data sources, such as delimited text, Excel, XML/JSON, etc., will correctly use the default column format settings to display data, Monarch files will not use the default column format settings of the workspace since the column formats are applied in Monarch Classic and attached to the model when exported. Files opened in Report Design (such as text and PDF reports) also do not take into account the default column format settings since each field created in Report Design allows the column formats to be set within Report Design. These column formats take precedence over the default column format settings of the workspace.





Default Color Theme

Enables you to switch between Light Theme (the default) and Dark Theme.

The Dark Theme setting is helpful when high-contrast visibility is required. 

Default Locale

Sets the global language to be used by the application. 

When specified, this locale is used to display table cell values on screen. It can also be used to match join keys of differing types.

Default Date Format

Specifies the default format of date/time columns.

When specified, Data Prep Studio applies this format until other formatting changes are applied

Default Fonts

Specifies the default font and font size to use in tables, reports, and summaries.

Dropdowns to select a default font and font size are provided.


Suppress zero values

Suppresses zero values when viewing data.

Suppressed zeros are not printed, but are exported as zero values when the Table or Summary data are exported or copied to any format except text. For text export and copy operations, the suppressed zeros are exported as space characters to retain column integrity.

Note that Monarch Data Prep Studio implements zero suppression based upon the value that is returned to each cell after any rounding has been done on the value. For example, if you set the precision of a cell containing the value 0.004 to two decimal places, the application will round the value to 0.00. Since this value equates to zero, it will be suppressed if zero suppression is turned on. This is not the case in other applications, such as MS-Excel, where the underlying value 0.004 is retained and evaluated against zero. In Excel, the cell would be displayed as 0.00 and would not be suppressed, since its underlying value (0.004) is not equal to zero.

Display nulls as text

Applies the column type Text to all columns with null values.

Display null values as

Determines how null values should appear on screen in the Prepare window.

You may enter a text string to use when representing null values.

In Monarch Data Prep Studio, as in most other database applications, a null value represents an unknown value or a value that cannot be calculated. Monarch Data Prep Studio returns null values under a variety of situations:

  • When a calculated field expression causes division by zero.

  • When the Minimum or Maximum calculation is used in a summary if no records match the key field values for a cell (e.g., there are no records of media type "CD" for the customer "Bluegrass Records"). In this case, no data is available to the cell.

  • When the Standard Deviation or Variance calculation is used in a summary if only a single record matches the key field values for a cell. In this case, there is insufficient information available to perform the calculation.

  • When the denominator in a Ratio measure calculation evaluates to zero causing the Ratio calculation to result in division by zero.

The application exhibits the following behavior when evaluating expressions and calculations that reference one or more null values:


When a null is used in an evaluation, the expression always evaluates to False. This is the case even when a null is evaluated against another null. The reason is that null is treated as an unknown value (when two unknown values are evaluated against each other, it cannot be said that they are equal).

Monarch Data Prep Studio's expression engine also does not support the constant NULL, so evaluations like the following one cannot be made: If(Amount=NULL, true result, false result)

However, an indirect method of evaluation against null will work in Monarch Data Prep Studio. For example, let's say that you want to create a filter in the Table window that removes all records where the Amount field value is null. Let's say that you also know that the Amount field values are never likely to be larger than 1,000,000.00 (one million) or smaller than –1,000,000.00 (negative one million). You could use either of the following filter expressions to remove records whose values are null:


Either expression will evaluate to True for all records that contain a valid value in the Amount field, and will evaluate to False for all records that contain a null in the Amount field (since an evaluation against null returns False).


When a null is referenced in a calculated field expression, the result of the expression is null. For example, the expression Amount*0.2 returns the Amount field value divided by 5 for all records where Amount contains a number. For records where Amount contains null, the expression returns null.

When one or more null values are included in a measure aggregation, the null values are ignored. This can produce the desired result or an unexpected result, depending upon your point of view. For example, the Average(Amount) calculation returns the average Amount by dividing the sum of the Amount values by the Count (the number of records from which the function drew Amount values). Records for which the Amount value is null are not included in the calculation. A different result is returned by the Ratio(Amount:Count) calculation, as this calculation tallies the Amount values and the Count values in two steps. First, the sum of the Amount values is calculated, then, in isolation, the Count for all records matching the same key field values is determined. Thus, in a Ratio calculation, the Count represents all of the records, including those whose Amount field contains null.

Highlight null cells

Instructs the application to highlight null (as opposed to, for example, blank) cells in the table/summary

Show whitespace characters

Instructs the application to show whitespace characters in the table/summary.


Lines in column title row

Specifies the default height for column titles in the Table and Summary windows.

You may set the height from 1-12 lines. Column titles that are too long to fit on a single line will wrap to fit.

Lines in data rows

Specifies the default height for data rows in the Table and Summary windows.

You may set the height from 1-12 lines. Data values that are too long to fit on a single line will wrap to fit.

This setting is ignored if Automatically increase row heights to fit multi-line data is enabled. 


Automatically increase row heights to fit multi-line data (Y/N)

Instructs the application to increase row heights automatically to accommodate multi-line data.


Display Width

Specifies the default display width (measured in number of characters) for rows

Text Alignment

Specifies the default alignment for text, numeric, and date/time fields.  

  • Left
  • Center
  • Right

Numeric Alignment

Time Alignment

Apply to current Workspace

Applies the specified settings to the current workspace.


Date columns from report sources will not reflect changes to the Default Date format. To change the format these columns, you must create a format change or modify the field in Report Design. 

Time Intervals





Month-based (12 calendar months starting on a desginated month)

Specifies that the fiscal year consists of 12 calendar months.

First month of the fiscal year

Selects the month of which the first day begins the new fiscal year.

Week 1 starts on January 1

Specifies that the first week of the fiscal year begins on January 1.

Each week starts on a specified weekday

Defines the first day of each fiscal week and the week number of a partial week, if any, at the start of the year.

Week-based (52 or 53 whole weeks)

Specifies that the fiscal year consists of 52 or 53 whole weeks.

You can specify the first day of each fiscal week, a reference month and day, and a rule for year start or end.

The year is divided into four 13-week quarters

Divides the year into four 13-week quarters and allows you to choose a week distribution pattern and quarter and period in which to place the 53rd week, if necessary.

The week distribution patterns are as follows:

  • 4-4-5 - Select to specify that each quarter is divided into a period with a pattern of 4 weeks, 4 weeks, 5 weeks.

  • 4-5-4 - Select to specify that each quarter is divided into a period with a pattern of 4 weeks, 5 weeks, 4 weeks.

  • 5-4-4 - Select to specify that each quarter is divided into a period with a pattern of 5 weeks, 4 weeks, 4 weeks.

The year is divided into thirteen 4-week periods.

Divides the year into thirteen 4-week periods and allows you to choose a period in which to place the 53rd week, if necessary.

Apply to current Workspace

Applies the specified settings to the current workspace.





Week 1 starts on January 1

Specifies that the first full week of the year starts on the first day of the week on or after January 1.



Each week starts on a specified weekday

Specifies that the week begins on a specific weekday of your choosing and allows you to set a week number for a partial week, if any, at the start of the year.

Apply to current Workspace

Applies the specified settings to the current workspace.






Lists the names of the time intervals available.


Formatting Mask


Displays the formatting mask applied to the adjacent interval.

To edit the formatting mask, double-click on the desired time interval, or select an interval and click the Edit Formatting Mask button .

Sample Value


Shows the effect of the formatting masks on today’s date.

To change the date that the sample value is based on, adjust the sample date calendar control accordingly. This control is located on the right-hand side of the dialog immediately below the table containing the time intervals.


Displays a description of each time interval.


Apply to current Workspace

Applies the specified settings to the current workspace.




Required Fields


  • Username
  • Password
  • Use Current Windows Login - Select this box if you want the application to use your Windows login as credentials


  • Username
  • Password

Microsoft Azure 

  • Account Name
  • Account Key

If Active Directory authentication is enabled, this field becomes optional.

  • Disable Azure Active Directory authentication

If this option is selected, you must enter an Account Key in order to access data from Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2.

  • Clear cached Active Directory credentials

Clicking this button clears all cached Active Directory credentials

Amazon S3

  • Access Key
  • Secret Key
  • Default Region Endpoint

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

  • Access Key
  • Secret Key
  • Default Endpoint (URL)
  • Validate endpoint format

Clicking this button instructs the application to check whether the endpoint format was correctly provided

Google Cloud Storage

  • Access Key
  • Secret Key

IBM Cognos Analytics

  • Server URL

Tableau Server

  • Server Address
  • Username
  • Password
  • Proxy Address
  • Path to TABCMD

Altair Monarch Server Library

  • Location
  • List of servers - Clicking the Add button allows you to add a server, while selecting from the list allows you to modify settings
  • Alias
  • Username
  • Password
  • Single Sign-on - Select this box if you want the application to implement single sign-on to log in to the selected server

Page Setup

The following default page setup settings apply to tablessummaries, and reports unless otherwise indicated.








Specifies a value representing the top margin.

The default value is .5" or 1 cm, depending on the Windows Control Panel Measurement setting.


Specifies a value representing the bottom margin.

The default value is .5" or 1 cm, depending on the Windows Control Panel Measurement setting.


Specifies a value representing the left margin.

The default value is .5" or 1 cm, depending upon the Windows Control Panel Measurement setting.


Specifies a value representing the right margin.

The default value is .5" or 1 cm, depending upon the Windows Control Panel Measurement setting.


Show Grid lines

Instructs the application to print the grid lines between rows and columns, as displayed on screen.

This setting is only applicable to tables and summaries.

Show Column Titles

Instructs the application to print column titles at the top of each page.

This setting is only applicable to tables and summaries.

Show Row Numbers

Instructs the application to print row numbers as displayed on screen.

This setting is only applicable to tables and summaries.

Repeat Suppressed Values on New Page

Instructs the application to ignore the Suppress Duplicate Values setting for all key fields when printing the first line of each page of a summary.

This setting is only applicable to summaries. When selected, all key values for the first line on a page are printed, even if they are suppressed in the summary display.


Paper Size

Specifies the desired paper size.


Specifies the desired paper orientation.

  • Portrait
  • Landscape

Apply to current Workspace

Applies the specified settings to the current workspace.



Settings for header and footer layouts are only applicable to tables and summaries.




Page Header display box

Specifies text to print in headers.

A page header may include up to 3 lines, each with text left-aligned, centered, or right-aligned text. Enter text into the boxes provided. You can insert special characters and/or variables by clicking on the left arrow button and selecting the item from the list of variables:

  • Page number

  • Total pages

  • Date

  • Time

  • Filter Name

  • Sort Name

  • Summary Name

  • Input Name

  • Workspace Name

Use custom font

Specifies font options.

Apply to current Workspace

Applies the specified settings to the current workspace.





Log Level

Specifies the amount of information to store in a log file.

Selecting the maximum log level allows an administrator (or Altair Support) to more easily debug issues, however this may cause the system to slow down.

Log File Directory

Specifies the location in which to place log files.

Work Path

Specifies the folder in which to store temporary files created while using Monarch Data Prep Studio.

Show version warnings on Workspace open

Specifies whether Monarch Data Prep Studio should display version warnings upon loading a workspace.

File extension map

Specifies the association between a custom file extension and a supported file extension in Monarch Data Prep Studio.

Data sources created using other applications may be saved to a custom file extension that must be mapped to a supported file extension in DPS to enable correct loading. Use the Add button to map as many custom extensions as necessary.


These settings describe how passwords should be handled when saving workspaces in Monarch Data Prep Studio. Selecting Overwrite Workspace security settings at the bottom of the dialog instructs the application to replace all workspace security settings with those currently selected.




Save credentials and sensitive connection string parameters in Workspace files and local Library items 

Specifies how Monarch Data Prep Studio should treat passwords and sensitive connection string parameters from data sources and connections in workspace files and local library items.

This setting only affects local workspace and library save behavior.

You can instruct Monarch Data Prep Studio how to save passwords and sensitive connection string parameters in one of three ways:

  • Always  - Always save the password/sensitive connection string parameter each time you save a workspace or data source without prompting

  • Prompt - Prompt whether to save the password/sensitive connection string parameter each time you save a workspace or data source. The following prompt displays.


  • Never - Never save the password/sensitive connection string parameter when the workspace or data source is saved.

Select credentials that should be cleared from saved items

Specifies what types of credentials should be cleared from saved items, such as workspaces:

  • Password (always deleted when clearing is employed)

  • Account ID

  • User name

  • Service account email

  • Access token

  • Refresh token

  • Secret key

Define connection string parameters that should be cleared from saved items

Identifies strings that should be considered a sensitive connection parameter when saving details for OLE DB data sources and connectors for which the field Other Connection Options is provided in the connection dialog.

When Monarch Data Prep Studio saves a connection detail and encounters the specified sensitive connection parameter (e.g., "password"), it "scrubs" (i.e., deletes) the selected string according to the save behavior defined above.


Microsoft Jet/ACE drivers use a specific password parameter for connection strings that must be added to the default clearing settings to maintain parity with password clearing in other sources.

This parameter is: "Jet OLEDB:Database Password"

This parameter will be added to the default parameters in its normalized, lower case form and will appear as: "jet oledb:database password.".

Overwrite Workspace security settings

Instructs Monarch Data Prep Studio to overwrite all workspace security settings. 

Runtime Parameters

Allows you to define and set values (Name, Type, Value) for runtime parameters that can be used by all tables in all workspaces within the application.

Refer to Working with Runtime Parameters for details on defining and using runtime parameters.



Displays relevant information related to your Monarch Data Prep Studio application, including the version number and Altair and Datawatch copyright notices.

Clicking the Configure License button launches the Monarch License Manager, which will allow you to modify the license used with your Monarch application. If your Monarch Data Prep Studio installation is licensed via License Server, you can click License Server Credentials to launch a dialog through which you can enter the appropriate credentials and connect to a Monarch License Server instance. If your license allows it, you will also be able to check out/in your license for offline use through this tab.



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