The PDF Table Extractor Interface

The PDF Table Extractor Interface has panels, windows, and icons that allow you to:

  • navigate open documents

  • define tables, and

  • refine the tables that have been defined.

The Interface with several PDF documents is shown below:


Interface elements





Import Options

Import brings your data into a table in Monarch Data Prep Studio. Select one of the following:

  • Import All to import all tables.

  • Import Selection to display a dialog that will allow you to import only selected tables.

Refer to Importing Tables for details.



Close the PDF Table Extractor.


Application Menu

Click to display a dialog box that will allow you to:

  • define application settings

  • conversion defaults

Refer to The Application Settings for details.



Auto-Define Actions

Select an option from the drop-down:

  • Current Page looks for and then extracts table data in the current page.

  • Page Range looks for and then extracts table data from a range of pages. If you select this option, a dialog box will ask you to enter the pages to extract from.

  • All Pages looks for and then extracts table data in all pages.

Refer to Defining Tables for details.



Select to undo a previous action, or re-do an action you have just undone.


Page and Table List

Displays a list of all pages for which tables have been defined. Each page in turn displays a list of tables in the page.

Use the arrows to hide or display the list.

Refer to Selecting and Viewing Defined Tables for details.



Table Actions

Displays actions you can carry out to define tables. Actions that display depend on the table, or table element, you have selected. You can, for example:

  • Copy Selection

  • Delete Selection

  • Create Table from Selection

  • Set Table Title

  • Create a New Column

  • Exclude a columns

  • Define Headers

  • Set a Row as a Column Header

  • Modify  a Header

Refer to Defining Tables and Exporting Tables  for details.


Document Page Preview

Displays the current page of a document. Use  this window to view a page and it's tables.

Go to a different page by using the the page thumbnails (see element #9) and page navigators (see element #10)

Refer to Opening and Working with Your Document for details.


Page Thumbnails

Displays thumbnails (i.e., small versions of the document pages) that you can use to easily look for a specific page.

Use the scroll bar at the right of the thumbnail panel to scroll through the pages.

Hover the mouse over a thumbnail to display that thumbnail's page number.

Use the arrow at the top left of the thumbnail panel to show or hide the panel.

Refer to  Opening and Working with Your Document for details.


Page Navigators

Use the arrow keys to go to the  first, last, previous, or next page of a document.

To go to a specific page, enter a page number and hit Enter.

See Opening and Working with Your Document for details.


Document Browse and Selector

Allows you to load and select a document.

To load a document, click on Browse (or folder icon) to bring up the File Open dialog.

To select a currently-loaded document, click on the drop-down list.

Refer to Opening and Working with Your Document for details.


Fit Page Width or Height

Click Fit Page Width to make the page width fit across the page preview area.

Click Fit Page Height to make the page height fit vertically across the preview area.

Refer to  Opening and Working with Your Document for details.


Hide Graphics

Check this box to hide all graphic elements in the document. This feature can help you in two ways:

  • It makes the data stand out and the pages readable.

  • It helps you determine which tables can be defined by PDF Table Extractor, as some tables may be displayed as pictures.

Refer to  Opening and Working with Your Document for details.


Page Zoom Control

Use this control to zoom in or out of a specific area of the page:

  • Drag the slider to the right to increase the zoom.

  • Drag the slider to the left to decrease the zoom.

  • Use the -/+ buttons to zoom incrementally.

Refer to  Opening and Working with Your Document for details.



Table Tabs

Displays a tab for each table defined so far. Select a tab to display a table.

The panel only displays tables from one page at a time.

Refer to Defining Tables for details.


Table with Values

Displays a table. The table may contain:

  • values extracted from the PDF file

  • ad-hoc values you have created on the fly

Refer to Defining Tables for details.


Create New Ad-Hoc Table

Click to add an Ad-Hoc table: a table whose properties and values you define on the fly.

Refer to Creating an Ad-Hoc Table for details.


Meta Data Columns

Click on this button to select one or more of the following metadata columns:

  • Date Created

  • File

  • Page Number

These columns identify where values on the table are located, or where data came from. These can help you audit information that are on the table,




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