
Twist, bend, or taper parts within a specified region (deformation zone).


Twist one or more parts along an axis.

  1. On the Geometry ribbon, select the Deform tool.

  2. In the guide panel, select the Twist tab.

  3. Select one or more parts.
  4. Select a Twist Axis:
    • X: Deform the parts with respect to the x-axis.
    • Y: Deform the parts with respect to the y-axis.
    • Z: Deform the parts with respect to the z-axis.
  5. Select a Twist Method:
    • Angle: The angle and number of turns are interdependent. If you edit the angle, the number of turns updates automatically and vice versa.
    • Turns: The angle and number of turns are interdependent. If you edit the angle, the number of turns updates automatically and vice versa.
  6. Configure the Advanced options:
    Tip: To modify the deformation zone, adjust Trim Plane 1 and 2.
    Option Description
    Trim Plane 1 Select Trim Plane 1: Select a point to position Trim Plane 1. The deformation is applied between Trim Plane 1 and Trim Plane 2.

    Trim Plane 1 Offset Distance: Enter the offset distance between Trim Plane 1 and the origin.

    Trim Plane 2 Select Trim Plane 2: Select a point to position Trim Plane 2. The deformation is applied between Trim Plane 1 and Trim Plane 2.

    Trim Plane 2 Offset Distance: Enter the offset distance between Trim Plane 2 and the origin.

    Origin Select Origin: Select a point as the origin. Trim Plane 1 and Trim Plane 2 are offsets from the deformation’s origin. Adjust the origin to simultaneously move both trim planes.
    Euler Angles


    Enter the x-coordinate of the origin.


    Enter the y-coordinate of the origin.


    Enter the z-coordinate of the origin.


    Enter the global x rotation angle.


    Enter the global y rotation angle.


    Enter the global z rotation angle.

    Reset Origin and Trim Planes Reset the origin and the trim planes to the default positions.
    Accuracy Modify the tolerance. The maximum value is 100%. Changing the Accuracy [%] may slow down the operation or cause it to fail.
    Smoothing Smooth the twist at the start and end points, where 100% corresponds to maximum smoothing. Changing this value may cause the twist to fail.
    Reapply Fillets Reapply the fillet operation.
  7. Right-click and mouse through the check mark to exit, or double-right-click.


Bend one or more objects with respect to an axis.

  1. On the Geometry ribbon, select the Deform tool.

  2. In the guide panel, select the Bend tab.

  3. Select one or more parts.
  4. Select a Bend Axis:
    • X: Deform the parts with respect to the x-axis.
    • Y: Deform the parts with respect to the y-axis.
    • Z: Deform the parts with respect to the z-axis.
  5. Select a Bend Method:
    • Radius: Enter the bend radius.
    • Angle: Enter the bend angle.
  6. Configure the Advanced options:
    Tip: To modify the deformation zone, adjust Trim Plane 1 and 2.
    Option Description
    Trim Plane 1 Select Trim Plane 1: Select a point to position Trim Plane 1. The deformation is applied between Trim Plane 1 and Trim Plane 2.

    Trim Plane 1 Offset Distance: Enter the offset distance between Trim Plane 1 and the origin.

    Trim Plane 2 Select Trim Plane 2: Select a point to position Trim Plane 2. The deformation is applied between Trim Plane 1 and Trim Plane 2.

    Trim Plane 2 Offset Distance: Enter the offset distance between Trim Plane 2 and the origin.

    Origin Select Origin: Select a point as the origin. Trim Plane 1 and Trim Plane 2 are offsets from the deformation’s origin. Adjust the origin to simultaneously move both trim planes.
    Euler Angles


    Enter the x-coordinate of the origin.


    Enter the y-coordinate of the origin.


    Enter the z-coordinate of the origin.


    Enter the global x rotation angle.


    Enter the global y rotation angle.


    Enter the global z rotation angle.

    Reset Origin and Trim Planes Reset the origin and the trim planes to the default positions.
    Accuracy Modify the tolerance. The maximum value is 100%. Changing the Accuracy [%] may slow down the operation or cause it to fail.
    Reapply Fillets Reapply the fillet operation.
  7. Right-click and mouse through the check mark to exit, or double-right-click.


Make one or more objects progressively smaller toward one end.

  1. On the Geometry ribbon, select the Deform tool.

  2. In the guide panel, select the Taper tab.

  3. Select one or more parts.
  4. Select a Taper Axis:
    • X: Deform the parts with respect to the x-axis.
    • Y: Deform the parts with respect to the y-axis.
    • Z: Deform the parts with respect to the z-axis.
  5. Define the Taper Factor.
  6. Configure the Advanced options:
    Tip: To modify the deformation zone, adjust Trim Plane 1 and 2.
    Option Description
    Trim Plane 1 Select Trim Plane 1: Select a point to position Trim Plane 1. The deformation is applied between Trim Plane 1 and Trim Plane 2.

    Trim Plane 1 Offset Distance: Enter the offset distance between Trim Plane 1 and the origin.

    Trim Plane 2 Select Trim Plane 2: Select a point to position Trim Plane 2. The deformation is applied between Trim Plane 1 and Trim Plane 2.

    Trim Plane 2 Offset Distance: Enter the offset distance between Trim Plane 2 and the origin.

    Origin Select Origin: Select a point as the origin. Trim Plane 1 and Trim Plane 2 are offsets from the deformation’s origin. Adjust the origin to simultaneously move both trim planes.
    Euler Angles


    Enter the x-coordinate of the origin.


    Enter the y-coordinate of the origin.


    Enter the z-coordinate of the origin.


    Enter the global x rotation angle.


    Enter the global y rotation angle.


    Enter the global z rotation angle.

    Reset Origin and Trim Planes Reset the origin and the trim planes to the default positions.
    Accuracy Modify the tolerance. The maximum value is 100%. Changing the Accuracy [%] may slow down the operation or cause it to fail.
    Reapply Fillets Reapply the fillet operation.
  7. Right-click and mouse through the check mark to exit, or double-right-click.