Support Type Not Allowed for Motion Load Extraction
Load extraction cannot be performed for this part the way it is modeled.
Cause 1: Part Has Point or Edge Supports
Load extraction cannot be performed if the part has point or edge supports.
- Try changing the supports listed in the error message to face supports.
- If you don't want motion loads applied to the entire face, try partitioning the model so the face support will apply to a smaller region. We recommend putting partitions into a rigid group along with the original part. If you create the rigid group first, any partitions you create from it are automatically assigned to the rigid group for that part.
Cause 2: Ground Parts Not Allowed for Motion Load Extraction
The part is a ground part or is in a rigid group with a ground part.
Un-ground the part or remove it from any rigid group that includes a
ground part, and then to use a support instead to prevent the part from