
Name Description Result Auto correction action Manual correction action
Id of component out of bounds Checks if there are any component ids that are either less than the min_limit or more than the max_limit of allowable ids in the ID Manager. List all of the components with ids outside of the limit. Not supported. Opens the Renumbers tool.
Component missing material Checks if the components with card image PART / are associated with the correct material based on their element content. Lists all components that do not have the correct materials associated to them. Not supported. Opens the Components tool.
Component does not have a part card Checks if the components defined in Altair HyperMesh are not assigned with card image PART / . Lists all components that do not have a card image. Not supported.

Not supported.

Id of material out of bounds Checks if there are any material ids that are either less than the min_limit or more than the max_limit of allowable ids in the ID Manager. List all of the materials with ids outside of the limit. Not supported. Opens the Renumbers tool.
Id of property out of bounds Checks if there are any property ids that are either less than the min_limit or more than the max_limit of allowable ids in the ID Manager. List all of the properties with ids outside of the limit. Not supported. Opens the Renumbers tool.
Id of group out of bounds Checks if there are any group ids that are either less than the min_limit or more than the max_limit of allowable ids in the ID Manager. List all of the groups with ids outside of the limit. Not supported. Opens the Renumbers tool.
Master entities of contacts/interfaces not defined or empty Checks if there are any contact or interface entities defined in the model that do not have any entities referred or empty in the place of master. Lists all contact or interface entities that do not have master entities defined. Not supported. Opens the Entity Editor of the contact.
Slave entities of contacts/interfaces not defined or empty Checks if there are any contact or interface entities defined in the model that do not have any entities referred or empty in the place of slave. Lists all contact or interface entities that do not have slave entities defined. Not supported. Opens the Entity Editor of the contact.
Slave nodes of contacts/interfaces in master surface Checks if the slave nodes of contact or interface are also present in its master. Lists all contacts that have slave nodes that are also present its master. Not supported. Opens the Entity Editor of the contact.
Id of element out of bounds Checks if there are any element ids that are either less than the min_limit or more than the max_limit of allowable ids in the ID Manager. List all of the elements with ids outside of the limit. Not supported. Opens the Renumbers tool.
Duplicate 1D elements Checks if two or more 1D elements are connected between the same nodes. Lists all of the duplicate 1D elements. Deletes failing elements. Not supported.
Duplicate 2D elements Checks if two or more 2D elements are connected between the same nodes. Lists all of the duplicate 2D elements. Deletes failing elements. Not supported.
Duplicate 3D elements Checks if two or more 3D elements are connected between the same nodes. Lists all of the duplicate 3D elements. Deletes failing elements. Not supported.
Negative or zero volume of solids Checks if a solid has negative volume associated with it. Lists all of the solid elements with zero or negative volume. Deletes failing elements. Not supported.
Beam: 3 nodes aligned Checks if the beam element nodes IDNOD1, IDNOD2 & IDNOD3 are on same line or co-linear. Or, if the axis node is along the orientation direction for a beam element. Lists all beam element with an aligned 3rd node. Not supported. Not supported.
Master node in other Rigid elements Checks if node referred in master entity is also referred in rigid entity. Lists all of the rigid entities that share the node. Not supported. Opens the Rigid tool
Slave nodes in other Rigid elements Checks if node referred in slave entity is also referred in rigid entity. Lists all of the rigid entities that share the node. Not supported. Opens the Rigid tool
Rigid element master shares slave nodes Checks if same node referred in both master and slave entity in rigid entity. Lists all of the rigid entities that share the same node. Not supported. Opens the Rigid tool
Degenerated 4 node shells Checks if quad (shell) element’s IDNOD2 and IDNOD3 shares same node IDs Lists all of the quad (shell) elements that have IDNOD2 = IDNOD3 Not supported. Not supported.
Zero slave nodes in Rigid elements Checks if slave field of rigid entities have empty or zero nodes referred. Lists all of the rigid entities that have empty slave field. Not supported. Opens the Rigid tool
Id of node out of bounds Checks if there are any node ids that are either less than the min_limit or more than the max_limit of allowable ids in the ID Manager. List all of the nodes with ids outside of the limit. Not supported. Opens the Renumber tool.
Id of system out of bounds Checks if there are any system ids that are either less than the min_limit or more than the max_limit of allowable ids in the ID Manager. List all of the systems with ids outside of the limit. Not supported. Opens the Renumber tool.
Id of system collector out of bounds Checks if there are any system collector ids that are either less than the min_limit or more than the max_limit of allowable ids in the ID Manager. List all of the system collectors with ids outside of the limit. Not supported. Opens the Renumber tool.
Multiple Rigids or RBE3s sharing nodes Checks RBODY and/or RBE3 elements sharing common nodes. NA RBODY with common nodes will be merged and RBE3 with common nodes will be merged.
Id of curve out of bounds Checks if there are any curve ids that are either less than the min_limit or more than the max_limit of allowable ids in the ID Manager. List all of the curves with ids outside of the limit. Not supported. Opens the Renumber tool.
Repeated X values in curve Checks if any X coordinate (abscissa) values are repeated in FUNCT keyword. Lists all curves defined in the model that have repeated X coordinate (abscissa) values. Not supported. Opens the Curve Editor.
Curve X values not ascending Checks if X coordinate (abscissa) values are not in ascending order for FUNCT keyword. Lists all curves defined in the model that have X coordinate (abscissa) values which are not in ascending order. Not supported. Opens the Curve Editor.
Curve has no point Checks if there are no X coordinate (abscissa) and Y coordinate (ordinate) values in FUNCT keyword. Lists all curves defined in the model that doesn’t have X (abscissa) & Y (ordinate) coordinates values. Not supported. Opens the Curve Editor.
Id of load out of bounds Checks if there are any load ids that are either less than the min_limit or more than the max_limit of allowable ids in the ID Manager. List all of the loads with ids outside of the limit. Not supported. Opens the Renumber tool.
Id of loadcol out of bounds Checks if there are any load collector ids that are either less than the min_limit or more than the max_limit of allowable ids in the ID Manager. List all of the load collectors with ids outside of the limit. Not supported. Opens the Renumber tool.
Component does not have a part card Checks if the components defined in Altair HyperMesh are not assigned with card image PART / . Lists all components that do not have a card image. Not supported. Not supported.


Name Description Result Auto correction action Manual correction action
Empty components Checks if any components are empty (no Element and no Geometry). Lists all empty components. Deletes the component. Not supported.
Component with zero or negative thickness Checks if the PART with card image type SHELL, TSHEL, MEMBR have zero or negative element thickness (H). Lists all components with zero or negative element thickness (H). Not supported. Not supported.
Free 1D element nodes Nodes at the free end(s) of 1D elements. List the free nodes of 1D elements NA Check the elements with free 1D and correct it.
Free nodes in the model Checks if the nodes in the model are free (not used by any elements). Lists free nodes. Deletes free nodes. Not supported.
Unused properties Checks if any properties are not referred/used in any of the keywords. Lists all unused properties. Deletes the property. Not supported.
Unused curves Checks if the defined curves (FUNCT & SECURE/FUNCT) in the model are not used/referred to in other keywords. Lists all unused curves (FUNCT & SECURE/FUNCT) in the model. Deletes unused curves. Not supported.
Rigid element connected to only one part Checks if slave nodes of rigid entity not connecting more than one component. Lists all rigid entities which are connected to only one part. Not supported. Not supported.
Cascades of Rigid elements Checks if any keywords that are mapped to rigids (RBODY, MTOCO, LINCO, NODCO and MBYSY_RIGID) share a slave node of other rigid entity master node. Lists all rigid entities where slave node is also connected or shared to master node of other rigids Not supported. Not supported.
Free 1D elements Checks if 1D elements in model are free, that is elements whose nodes are not connected to valid entities. Lists all 1D elements whose nodes are not connected to any FE entity. Deletes failing elements. Not supported.
Free Rigid elements Checks if rigid entities in model are free, that is rigid (RBODY, MTOCO, LINCO, NODCO and MBYSY_RIGID) entities whose nodes are not connected to valid entities. Lists all rigid entities whose nodes are not connected to any FE entity. Deletes failing entities. Not supported.
Free RBE3 elements Checks if RBE3 (OTMCO) entities in model are free, that is rbe3 rigid entities whose nodes are not connected to valid entities. Lists all RBE3 (OTMCO) rigid entities whose nodes are not connected to any FE entity. Deletes failing entities. Not supported.
Shell elements with negative thickness Checks if the shell elements with card image type SHELL, TSHEL have zero or negative element thickness (H). Lists all shell elements with zero or negative element thickness (H). Not supported. Not supported.
Shell elements with thickness Checks if the shell elements with card image type SHELL, TSHEL have non-zero elemental level thickness (H) assigned. Lists all shell elements which have non-zero element thickness (H). Not supported. Not supported.
Spring elements with zero length Checks if the length of SPRING entities is zero. Lists all springs which have zero length. Deletes failing springs. Not supported.
One slave node in Rigid elements Checks if a rigid (RBODY, MTOCO, LINCO, NODCO and MBYSY_RIGID) entities has only one slave node defined. Lists all rigids that have one node. Not supported. Opens the Rigid tool.
Element connectivity Checks for shell elements connected by one or less nodes and solid elements connected by two or less nodes. List of 2D and 3D elements with bad connectivity. NA Check the failed element and correct it
Unused materials Checks if any materials are not referred/used in any of the keywords. Lists all unused materials. Deletes the material. Not supported.
Material with zero or negative density Checks if any materials have zero or negative density defined. Lists all materials that have zero or negative density. Not supported. Opens the corresponding materials Card Image tool.
Material with zero or negative Young's modulus Checks if any materials have zero or negative Young's Modulus defined. Lists all materials that have zero or negative Young's Modulus. Not supported. Opens the corresponding materials Card Image tool.
Material with Poisson's ratio less than 0.001 Checks if any materials have values less than 0.001 Poisson Ratio defined. Lists all materials that have poisson ratio <0.001. Not supported. Opens the corresponding materials Card Image tool.
Material Solid with IMPLICIT flags under ISINT Checks if any solid materials have implicit flags or legal values assigned. Lists all solid materials that have implicit flags. Not supported. Not supported.
Unused parameters Checks if there are unused parameters (PYVAR, PYFINC) in the model. Lists all parameters which are not referenced by any other entity. Deletes unused parameters. Not supported.
Unused systems Checks if any system (FRAME) defined in the model is unused/not referred to in other keywords. Lists all unused systems. Deletes unused systems. Not supported.
Unused beamsections Checks if any Beamsection defined in the model is unused. Lists all unused Beamsections in the model. Delete unused beamsections. Not supported.
Contact with negative thickness (Hcont) Checks if Hcont value is negative in CNTAC entity. Lists all CNTAC entities that have negative Hcont value. Not supported. Not supported.
Slave nodes in multiple contacts/interfaces Checks if the same node is used as slave in more than one CNTAC entity. Lists all CNTAC entities that share the same slave nodes. Not supported. Not supported.
Transformation Sequence with empty transformations Checks if the keyword TRSSEQ has references of TRSFM definitions. Lists all TRSSEQ entities that do not have references to TRSFM definitions. Delete empty TRSSEQ entities. Opens the Position/Transformation GUI.


Name Description Result Auto correction action Manual correction action
Number of defined materials Checks for the number of defined materials. Lists all defined materials. Not supported. Not supported.
Number of undefined materials Checks for the number of undefined materials. Lists all undefined materials. Not supported. Not supported.
Number of defined properties Checks for the number of defined properties. Lists all defined properties. Not supported. Not supported.
Number of undefined properties Checks for the number of undefined properties. Lists all undefined properties. Not supported. Not supported.
Number of Components Checks for the number of components. Lists all components. Not supported. Not supported.
Number of undefined Components Checks for the number of undefined components. Lists all undefined components. Not supported. Not supported.
Number of elements Checks for the number of elements. Lists all elements. Not supported. Not supported.
Number of groups Checks for the number of groups. Lists all groups. Not supported. Not supported.
Number of nodes Checks for the number of nodes. Lists all nodes. Not supported. Not supported.
Nodes not connected to elements Checks if there are any nodes that are not connected to elements. Lists all of the nodes in the model that are not connected to elements. Not supported. Not supported.
Number of defined curves Checks for the number of defined curves. Lists all defined curves. Not supported. Not supported.
Number of undefined curves Checks for the number of undefined curves. Lists all undefined curves. Not supported. Not supported.
Number of output blocks Checks for the number of output blocks. Lists all output blocks. Not supported. Not supported.
Number of defined Set GROUP/ keywords Checks for the number of defined GROUP keywords (listed as sets). Lists all defined GROUP/ keywords. Not supported. Not supported.
Number of undefined Set GROUP/ keywords Checks for the number of undefined GROUP keywords (listed as sets). Lists all undefined GROUP/ keywords. Not supported. Not supported.