

Name Description Result Auto correction action Manual correction action
Property missing material
Component with solid and shells Checks if a component consists of both solid and shell elements. Lists the failing components. Not supported. Opens the Organize tool.
Node ID exceeds 9 characters
Element ID exceeds 9 characters
Free 1D elements
Free 1D nodes Nodes at the free end(s) of 1D elements List the free nodes of 1D elements NA Check the elements with free 1D and correct it
RBE2 with constrained dependent nodes
Free Rigid elements
Free RBE3 elements
RBE3 dof connected to solid
MASS is applied on RBE3 independent node
Zero-length CONN3D2
Elements have a dependency Checks for rigid elements that share dependent nodes with other rigid elements. Lists the failing elements. Deletes the failing rigid elements. Not supported.
Common nodes of RBodies Checks if the rigid entities have common nodes. Lists all of the rigid entities with common nodes. Not supported. Opens the Rigid Link Creation tool.
Rigids or RBE3's sharing dependent nodes Checks for rigid elements that share dependent nodes with other rigid elements. Lists the failing elements. Deletes the failing rigid elements. Not supported.
Element has rigid loops Checks for rigid elements that form a closed loop; where the dependent node of one rigid serves as independent node of the next rigid in the loop. Lists the failing elements. Deletes the failing rigid elements. Not supported.
Duplicate 1D Elements Checks if any 1D elements share the same nodes in the same order. Lists the duplicate 1D elements. Deletes the failing elements. Not supported.
Duplicate 2D Elements Checks if any 2D elements share the same nodes in the same order. Lists the duplicate 2D elements. Deletes the failing elements. Not supported.
Duplicate 3D Elements Checks if any 3D elements share the same nodes in the same order. Lists the duplicate 3D elements. Deletes the failing elements. Not supported.
Free mass elements
Free spring elements
Incomplete Contact Pair or Tie definition
Free Couplings Checks if there are any free nodes on the couplings.
Common nodes in kinematic coupling Checks if there are any common nodes across multiple couplings.
Mass is applied on distributed couplings Checks if there is mass on the dependent node of the coupling.
Distributed coupling rotation dof connected to solid Checks if the coupling is associated with dof456 connected to a solid.
Repeated X value in curve
NSM field not defined
MPC with free independent nodes
Beamsects with missing dimensions
Beam Property with Zero cross section area
Property card has NO material card Checks for properties that are assigned to components or elements, but without a material reference. Lists all properties that have no materials defined. Not supported. Opens the Properties tool
Pretension Manager Duplicate Nodes / Nset
Incomplete Rigid Body Definition
Reference node set in rigid body holding more than one node
Set referenced in multiple rigid body
Same Node referenced in multiple rigid body
Elements missing properties


Name Description Result Auto correction action Manual correction action
Negative density Checks if any materials have negative density defined. Lists all of the materials that have negative density. Not supported. Opens the Card Image tool.
Negative Young's Modulus Checks if any materials have negative Young's Modulus defined. Lists all materials that have negative Young's Modulus Not supported. Opens the Card Image tool.
Negative Poisson Ratio Checks if any materials have negative Poisson Ratio defined. Lists all materials that have negative Poisson Ratio. Not supported. Opens the Card Image tool.
Poisson Ratio greater than 0.5 Checks if the Poisson Ratio value for any material is greater than 0.5. Lists all materials that have Poisson Ratio greater than 0.5. Not supported. Opens the Card Image tool.
Unused materials Checks for any materials that are not referenced by a property. Lists the unused materials. Deletes the unused materials. Not supported.
Material Elasticity is not defined Checks if Elasticity is defined for the material. This check is applicable for only Isotropic Elastic Material. Lists materials with no Young's Modulus value. Not supported. Opens the Materials tool
Material density is not defined Checks if density is defined for the material. Lists materials with no density value. Not supported. Opens the Materials tool.
Material Poisson Ratio is not defined Checks if Poisson Ratio is defined for the material. Lists materials with no Poisson Ratio value. Not supported. Opens the Materials tool.
Material is missing a card image Checks if the card image is selected for material. Lists materials with no card image. Not supported. Opens the Materials tool.
Unused properties Checks for properties not used in the model. Lists the properties that are not used Deletes the unused properties. Not supported.
Property is missing a card image
Shell Section thickness is not defined
Shell Section Composite Thickness is not defined
1D Prop beamsection mismatch
Mass Property having zero mass Checks for Mass elements with zero mass value. Lists all Mass elements with zero mass value Not supported. Opens the Property tool.
Free mass elements Checks for Mass elements with no property. Lists all Mass elements with no property. Not supported. Opens the Property Creation tool.
Empty components Checks for components that do not contain elements. Lists the failing components. Deletes the empty components. Not supported.
Contact ghost elements have no base elements Checks if the contact elements created for interface have a base element. Lists all interface entities that have a contact element without its base element. Not supported. Opens the Interface tool, Add page.
Empty Group Surface Checks if the surface in the group has elements. Lists surface groups that are empty. Not supported. Opens the Interface tool.
Unused Sets Checks if any sets are unused. Lists the unused sets. Deletes the empty sets. Not supported.
Empty sets Checks if the sets are empty. Lists the empty sets. Deletes the empty sets. Not supported.
Elements have a dependency Checks for rigid elements that share independent nodes with other rigid elements. Lists the failing elements. Deletes the failing rigid elements. Not supported.
Unused systems Checks if any systems in the model are not used. Lists the unused systems. Deletes the unused systems. Not supported.
Unused contact surface Checks if the contact surface defined in the model is unused. Lists all unused contact surfaces. Deletes unused contact surfaces. Not supported.
Unused BeamSections Checks if any beam sections are unused. Lists all the unused beam sections. Deletes the unused beam sections. Not supported.


Name Description Result Auto correction action Manual correction action
Number of Material Checks for the number of material entities in the model. Lists all of the materials. Not supported. Not supported.
Number of Undefined Materials
Number of Properties Checks for the number of property entities. Lists all of the properties. Not supported. Not supported.
Number of Undefined Properties
Number of Comps Checks for the number of component entities. Lists all of the components. Not supported. Not supported.
Number of Groups Checks for the number of group entities. Lists all of the groups. Not supported. Not supported.
Number of Sets Checks for the number of set entities in the model. Lists all of the steps in the model. Not supported. Not supported.
Number of Steps Checks for number of step entities in the model. Lists all of the steps in the model. Not supported. Not supported.