Configure Model Checker

Save configurations for future use, import existing configurations into your current HyperMesh session, or append configurations on top of existing configurations.

  • Save configurations.
    1. In the white space of the Model Checker, right-click and select Save Config File from the context menu.
    2. In the Save dialog, specify a file name and directory to save the external .xml configuration file and click Save.
  • Add configurations.
    1. In the white space of the Model Checker, right-click and select Add File from the context menu.
    2. In the Add Config File dialog, navigate to the configuration file to add and click Open.
      This operation appends the checks in the configuration file on top of the existing checks.
  • Import configurations.
    1. In the white space of the Model Checker, right-click and select Load File from the context menu.
    2. In the Load Config File dialog, navigate to the configuration file to import and click Open.
      This operation removes the existing checks and loads the checks present in the loaded configuration file.
  • Use the HM_MODELCHECKER_$profile_name environment variable to set the default configuration file to be loaded for a profile. For example, set env HM_MODELCHECKER_LSDYNA=”D:/Customer/Checks.xml” will set the default configuration file for the LS-DYNA profile. Similarly, HM_MODELCHECKER_RADIOSS will set the default configuration file for the Radioss profile, and so forth. After a configuration file is saved in a session, it becomes the new default file for that profile until the end of the HM session.