Map Meshing Multiple Solids

You can select multiple solids for map meshing provided that each individual solid is in fact mappable. However, the meshing engine cannot always mesh every selected solid in a single operation, even when all the selected solids display as mappable.

This may happen if the mappable constraints from different solids within the selection contradict each other. For example, one type of mappable constraint is that certain surfaces (along faces) of a mappable solid must be of the map-mesh type. When such constraints are in conflict, faces that caused meshing to fail are marked with a red square icon.

In Figure 1, both solids can be map-meshed individually, but solid 1 (the triangular one) must have all of the marked faces (5, 6, and 9) map-meshed. This, however, causes a conflict for solid 2, which can only be map-meshed by using the shared surface (6) as a destination. This conflicts since this shared surface must match the meshes on surfaces 4 and 8 in order to mesh solid 2.

In such a case, you can mesh the remaining solids by deselecting the ones that are marked with the red icon but retaining the others in your selection. This either allows you to mesh the unmarked solids in a single action, or helps you further diagnose the problem. The remaining solids, unfortunately, will require individual meshing or further partitioning before they can be solid-map meshed as a group.
Figure 1.