Create Stiffener Mesh

Use Stiffener Mesh tool to create 1D elements as shell stiffeners from orphan lines representing trailing edges.

Use the Stiffener Mesh tool to create the following:
  • Bar2/3
  • Rods
The Stiffener Mesh tool creates beams as plate stiffeners from a selection of:
  • Free lines (orphan lines): represents trailing edges location. This is common input from CAD tools. Free lines seed nodes on shell edges within a tolerance from lines and auto orients/offsets beams.
  • Surface edges: generates stiffeners conforming shell edges on selected surface edges. If surface edges are not meshed with adjacent shells, no stiffeners will be created. For these instances, use Member Mesh instead.
  • Shell elements: generates stiffeners on each edge of selected shells with a provision to add diagonals (non conformal mesh).
  • Nodes: Creates a stiffener between node paths along shell edges. It always conforms to adjacent shell edges. Free nodes are skipped.
  1. From the 1D ribbon, click the Stiffener Mesh tool.
    Figure 1.

    Note: The Stiffener Mesh tool is in a tool group with Member Mesh. Click the arrow to the right of the icon to cycle between the two.
  2. On the guide bar, use the first selector to choose either Elements, Lines, or Nodes.
  3. Set options as necessary by clicking on the guide bar.
  4. Select entities.
    For lines, uncheck Free lines to select edges. The 1D mesh that is generated conforms with the edge mesh, regardless of meshing size and biasing.

    Select shell elements to add a 1D to each edge with an option for them to be diagonal along quad elements. This is useful for running topology on 1Ds.

    For nodes, the tool filters only nodes belonging to shells.

  5. Optional: Select an orientation vector and apply it to all newly created elements.
    • Click in the microdialog to orient using the Vector then click . After defining the orientation vector, press Esc to return to the current tool.
    • The default beam orientation matches with adjacent shells normal.
      Note: In some solvers, like OptiStruct, the orientation defines y-axis while in others, like ANSYS, it defines the z-axis.
  6. Expand the chevrons in the microdialog.
  7. Select the engineering type as BEAM or ROD.
    Note: Some solvers give a provision to select associated property card image.
  8. Optional: Using the second selector on the guide bar, assign a property or beam section to your selection.
  9. On the guide bar, click one of the following:
    • - Save changes and stay in the tool
    • - Save changes and close the tool
The engineering type and, if available, property card selected in the microdialog, filters the list of available candidates for beam section or property entity selectors in guide bar. It also drives the mapping of element config/type vs property card image. The mapping rules vary depending on each solver profile.
Restriction: For the OptiStruct and Nastran profiles only:
  • ROD engineering config only keeps PROD property card image.
    • Elements are created as CROD elements with PROD property.
    • Property selector filters only existing PROD properties.
  • BEAM engineering config keeps only PBAR/PBARL and PBEAM/PBEAML.
    • Elements are created either as CBAR or CBEAM elements based on the property card.
    • Property selector filters based on the selected card.
    • If a beam section is selected, a property is created with the selected card image.
Restriction: For the ANSYS profile only:
  • ROD engineering config:
    • Property selector filters only existing properties.
      • With card image SECTYPE.
      • With referenced Section entity with card LINK.
    • If beam section is selected:
      • Section entity is created with config LINK with area copied from the beam sections area.
      • Property entity created with card SECTYPE and refers to the Section entity.
    • Elements are created with ET LINK180.
  • BEAM engineering config:
    • Property selector filters only existing properties.
      • With card image SECTYPE.
      • With referenced Section entity with card BEAM.
    • If beam section is selected:
      • Section entity is created with config BEAM with reference to beam section.
      • Property entity created with card SECTYPE and refers to the Section entity.
    • Elements are created with ET BEAM188 or BEAM189.