Update Load Types and Equations
Apply load type changes for a load or equation to your model.
- From the Analyze ribbon, click the arrow next to the Structural or Thermal tool set names and select Load Types from the drop-down menu.
- Select a load or equation to update.
Make your updates in the microdialog.
Option Action Acceleration Acceleration loads allow for an acceleration (length/time2) to be defined on the model. Accelerations can be applied to nodes, components, sets, surfaces, points, or lines, and are load config 9. Constraint Constraints allow for constrained degrees of freedom to be defined on the model by constraining the DOF of nodes. Constraints are load config 3. Equation Equation entities contain mathematical equations that define more complex loads. They are used to define linear constraints in local and global coordinate systems. Flux Flux loads are defined as an amount that flows through a unit area per unit time (amount/length2/time). Fluxes are typically used in modeling transport phenomena such as heat transfer, mass transfer, fluid dynamics, and electromagnetism. Fluxes are applied to nodes and are load config 6. Force Force loads allow for a concentrated force (mass*length/time2) to be applied to the model. Forces are applied at nodes and are load config 1. Moment Moment loads allow for a concentrated moment (length*force) to be applied to the model. Moments are applied to nodes and are load config 2. Pressure Pressure loads allow for a pressure (force*length2) to be applied to the model. Pressures are applied on elements, and are load config 4. Temperature Temperature loads allow for a concentrated temperature to be applied to the model. Temperatures can be applied to nodes, components surfaces, sets, points, or lines, and are load config 5. Velocity Velocity loads allow for a velocity (length/time) to be applied to the model. Velocities are applied to nodes and are load config 8. -
On the guide bar, click one of the following:
- Apply and stay in the tool
- Apply and close the tool