Apply Accelerations

Create accelerations by applying a load, representing accelerations, to nodes or sets.

Configuration 9 - Acceleration loads allow for an acceleration (length/time2) to be defined on the model.

Accelerations are displayed as a vector with the letter A at the tail end in the modeling window.

Note: In the Radioss, Abaqus, and LS-DYNA profiles, load entities are created immediately upon entering the tool. Use the Entity Editor to modify any properties. In all other solver profiles, load entities aren't created until you make your selections then click Create.
  1. From the Analyze ribbon, click the Accelerations tool.
    Figure 1.

    Note: In the OptiStruct, Nastran, and Abaqus profiles, click the Body Accelerations tool.
    Figure 2.

    The Accelerations tool is in a tool group with Body Rotational Force and Body Gravity. Click the arrow to the right of the icon to cycle between the three.
  2. Select the keyword to create from the Load Type menu.
    The available types depend on the current solver interface.
  3. If necessary, choose the entities to which the acceleration will be applied.
  4. Define the acceleration's direction relative to a local coordinate system or the default global system.
  5. Specify the magnitude and direction of the acceleration.
    Constant Components
    Specify the direction and magnitude of the load by entering the X, Y, and Z values of the components.
    Constant Vector
    Specify the magnitude, then use the plane and vector tool to specify the vector along which the load should act.
    Curve Components
    Specify the X, Y, and Z components to define the direction and magnitude, for example, (2,2,2) will be twice the magnitude of (1,1,1). Next, select an existing curve. Last, specify a factor for the curve’s xscale to use the same curve for many different cases, but vary the scale of its intensity or time to match the needs of your current load.
    Curve Vector
    When working with loads that are time dependent, use this method to first specify a magnitude (yscale) for the curve. Next, select an existing curve, then use the plane and vector tool to specify a direction, if necessary. Last, specify a factor for the curve's xscale to use the same curve for many different cases, but vary the scale of its intensity or time to match the needs of your current moment.
  6. If working in a controller, click Create.