Visualize Scatter Plots
Plot exploration inputs and outputs.
From the Design Explorer ribbon, Evaluate tool group, click the
Results Explorer tool.
Figure 1. The Results Explorer Browser opens. -
In the Results Explorer Browser, click
Scatter Plot.
- Select the desired X-axis value and the desired Y-axis value(s).
- Optional:
Select constraints to plot as datum lines.
Note: Checking Show Violated will color plot points red where corresponding runs violate the given constraint.
- Optional:
Check Optima.
This will display data points for only optimal runs. This can be useful when there are a large number of runs and also for multi-objective optimization explorations, which may have more than one optimal run.
Analyze the plot.
Each point in the plot corresponds to an individual run in the DOE. Selecting any plot point will highlight the corresponding run in the summary table.Tip: Creating constraints for DOE explorations can be useful, as they can be selected and plotted as datum lines on a scatter plot. This can be a good visualization tool to see which runs in the DOE violate constraints and which are potentially feasible designs.