Preview Generative Design Concepts

Once an exploration is complete, review generated concepts.

  1. From the Design Explorer ribbon, Evaluate tool group, click the Results Explorer tool.
    Figure 1.

    The Results Explorer Browser opens.
  2. In the Results Explorer Browser, click Preview.
    The Preview shows preview images of each concept generated by the Generative Design exploration.
  3. Optional: Use the filters on the left side to filter the concepts by design variable values.
  4. Optional: Click a preview image to view the selected concept’s attribute values in the table at the bottom.
  5. Optional: Select the check box for one or more concepts and click Compare.
    A new page is created, and the selected concepts are loaded into individual HyperView clients for inspection and comparison.
  6. Optional: Select Feasible runs to view only concepts with no constraints violated in their Topology Optimization.
  7. Optional: Switch from Variables to Concepts.
    Using Artificial Intelligence, concepts are grouped into concept families. This can be useful when sorting through many generated concepts.
    1. Change the number of concept families to create different family groupings.
    2. Click on individual concept families to see a list of which runs comprise a given family.
    3. Select the check box for one or more concepts and click Compare.
      A new page is created, and the selected concepts families are loaded into individual HyperView clients.
    4. Play the animation or cycle through the animations to review each run (concept) in the families.