Set Up Contact Angle Modeling

Model the contact angle between two immiscible fluids on a solid surface. As an example, for falling droplets, you can model the contact angle between two immiscible fluids on the surface in AcuSolve.

  1. From the Flow ribbon, click the Physics tool.
    Figure 1.

  2. Under the Physics models settings, change the flow radio button to Multiphase.
  3. Change the Multifluid type to Immiscible.
  4. Select a field interaction material model from the drop-down menu or click Material Library to create, edit, and manage custom material models.
    Note: In order to set up a contact angle, the material model interface needs to have surface tension enabled.
  5. From the Flow ribbon, click the No Slip tool.
    Figure 2.

  6. Select a surface then enable Specify contact angle in the microdialog.
    Figure 3.