
Set up the simulation model, materials, domains, and boundaries.

Attention: The icons shown on the ribbon below are used to complete this workflow. Click an icon to learn more about the tool.
Set Up the Simulation ModelDefine MaterialsDefine ParametersDefine Multiplier FunctionsAssign MaterialsDefine Thin SolidsDefine Porous DomainsCreate SourcesCreate Reference FramesDefine Heat Exchanger ComponentsDefine Profiled InletsDefine Inlets with Constant VelocityDefine PressuresDefine Far Field ConditionsDefine Atmospheric InletsDefine OutletsDefine No Slip WallsDefine Baffle SurfacesDefine Moving WallsDefine Slip WallsDefine Symmetry ConditionsDefine Periodic ConditionsDefine Default Wall ConditionsDefine Fan Components