Set Up the Simulation Model

Use the Physics tool to define the global AcuSolve settings used in the simulation.

Based on the selected model, required attributes in domains and boundaries will change.

  1. Open the Physics tool in the following ways:
    • From the Flow ribbon, click the Physics tool.
      Figure 1.

    • Right-click in empty space in the Setup Browser and select Global Settings.
    The Setup dialog opens.
  2. Under the Physics models setting:
    1. Use the radio buttons to select either a single phase or multiphase flow.
    2. Select the sub-simulation type.
    3. Define relevant parameters.
      The options exposed are dependent on the simulation and sub-simulation type.
      • Click to access more options or input relative temperature and pressure.
      • Click to calculate the time step size based on the CFL number.
  3. Click Solver controls and define the solver settings.
  4. Optional: Click Advanced controls to define settings like the number of krylov vectors, flow staggers, and/or thermal staggers.
    The following are the example cases where it is required to change the maximum linear iterations to 5000.
    • Natural/forced convection
    • Stagnation pressure inlet and pressure outlet
    • Conjugate heat transfer