Set Up Eulerian and Granular Multiphase Modeling

Eulerian multiphase modeling gives you the capability to simulate interactions between continuous or disperse fields. Here, the carrier field has to be a fluid and the dispersed field should be fluid (fluid, gas, vapour, …). Applications include mist catchers, cyclone separators, and static mixture simulations.

Granular multiphase modeling gives you the capability to simulate interactions between continuous or solid disperse fields. Here, the carrier field has to be a fluid and the dispersed field should be solid medium.

  1. From the Flow ribbon, click the Physics tool.
    Figure 1.

  2. Under the Physics models settings, change the flow radio button to Multiphase.
  3. Change the Multifluid type to Eulerian or Granular.
  4. Select a eulerian or granular material model from the drop-down menu or click Material Library to create, edit, and manage custom material models.
After setting up the disperse multiphase physics, you have the option to set the carrier fluid volume fraction in all inlet and outlet (backflow condition) boundaries.
Figure 2.

You can also define separate inlet definitions for both phases by turning on Phasic inflow.
Figure 3.

In addition, you can select the carrier volume fraction as a variable when defining initial conditions in the Solution ribbon.
Figure 4.