User sub routines (Groovy): How to proceed?

I/O parameters: operating

This is the different stages to use an user sub routine to model an I/O parameter.

Stage Description Example
1 User creates a new I / O parameter.

User selects:

  • a name for the physical parameter
  • parameter defined by a formula

Then, he clicks on the editor of formula.

3 User clicks on the “User” button. Then, he may enter the arguments that he wants into the “User” function.
4 Clicking on the “Edit user function” button, Flux opens the file “PhysicalParameter.groovy” into the Python editor.
5 User may code the program he wants.

Once his program is written, user has to save his file.

Then, the Groovy file is stocked in the current Flux project (…\persistent\groovy).

Material properties: operating

This is the different stages to use an user sub routine to model the properties of a material.

Stage Description Example
1 User creates a new material.

User selects:

  • a name for the material
  • the law he wants to code
  • the user property of this law

Then, user selects the type of his material:

  • linear
  • non linear
  • hysteretic

Then, user selects the number and the values of:

  • user coefficients
  • I/O parameters
  • spatial quantities

When user clicks on the “Edit user function” button, Flux opens into the Python editor, the file:

  • MaterialLaw.groovy” for a non-hysteretic property
  • HysteresysMaterialLaw.groovy” for an hysteretic property
6 User may code the program he wants.

Once his program is written, user has to save his file.

Then, the Groovy file is stocked in the current Flux project (…\persistent\groovy).