Construction tools: translation


The sketcher mode of construction « Translation » permits the user to displace an assembly of entities accurately along a vector defined by a delta X and a delta Y.

Access / Cursor

The different accesses and the personalized cursor for this mode of creation are presented in the following table:

Acces Cursor
by icon:
by menu: Tools > Translation

Dialog box

After the activation of this mode, a dialog box containing all the necessary fields and options to apply a translation will appear.

Description Illustration
Graphic selection Permits to get information on the list of entities to be translated by selecting them graphically*

Definition of the vector of translation :

Delta on the abscissas between the origin position and the final desired position


Definition of the vector of translation :

Delta on the ordinates between the origin position and the final desired position

*It is possible to deselect the entities graphically or by using the button Delete.