Construction tools: circular repetition

Circular repetition

The sketcher mode « Circular repetition » permits the user to repeat graphically an assembly of entities once or several times « Point » and « Line » in relation with a pivot point

Access / Cursor

The different accesses and personalized cursor for this mode of creation are presented in the following table:

Access Cursor
By icon:
By menu: Tools → Circular repetition

Dialog box

After activation of this mode, a dialog box containing all the necessary fields and options to apply a circular repetition will appear.

Description Illustration
Graphic selection Permits the user to get information on the list of entities to be repeat by selecting them graphically*
Pivot point Permits the user to get information on the pivot point around which the repetitions will be done, by selecting it graphically
Angle between repetitions Angle to apply to the repetitions between the entities of origin and the repeated entities
Number of repetitions Number of repetitions, around the pivot point , with the entities of origin taking into consideration the angle (set by default equal to 1)
Connect to origin

Option common to all the modes of construction symmetry and repetitions

(see Construction tools: generalities )

*It is possible to deselect the entities graphically or by using the button Delete.

Apply a circular repetition

The process to apply a Circular repetition is presented in the table below.

Stage Description Illustration
1 Activation of the mode
A dialog box is opened
2 Graphic selection of entities to be repeated

The field « Graphic selection » is filled in

The selected entities are highlighted in green.

3 Graphic selection of pivot point

The field « Pivot point » is filled in

The selected point is framed in yellow

4 Choice of the angle between repetitions
5 Choice of the number of repetitions

The fields « Angle between repetitions » and « Number of repetitions » are filled in.

The outline of the resulting entities of the repetitions will appear.

6 Choice of the option « Connect to origin » : yes or no
7 Validation of the repetition by OK

The dialog box closes.

A CIRCULAR transformation is created.

The resulting entities of the application of the repetitions are created

The mode of construction is automatically deactivated

Variant : Select the entities to be repeated before activating the mode permits to open the dialog box with the field « Graphic selection » pre-filled