Deletion of a component of the circuit in the circuit editor context


In the circuit editor context, the components of an electric circuit can be deleted starting from two places: the Data tree or the Graphic sheet

Delete a component in the Data tree

To delete a component starting from the Data tree:

Step Action

Select the component to be deleted:

  • point and click on the desired component in the Data tree
The component is highlighted

Delete the selected component:

  • click on the selected component and choose Delete command


  • use the Del keyboard key
The component has been destroyed

Delete one (more) component(s) in the graphic sheet

To delete one (some) components(s) in the Graphic sheet :

Step Action

Select the component(s) to delete ( selection )

  • Point and click on the desired component(s) in the graphic zone
The component(s) (which can be of different types) are shining

Delete the selected component(s):

  • click on the icon


  • use the Del keyboard key


  • click on Delete in the Circuit menu
The selection has been deleted