Export of electric circuit to a file XCIR or PY


The context dedicated editor of the electric circuit offers the possibility to record a circuit in process by export to a specific format:

Format XmlCir
Extension *.XCIR
description Standard format advisable
  • in the standard context:Physics > Circuit > Export circuit to file xcir


  • in the editor dedicated context of the electric circuit: Circuit > Export circuit to file xcir

Utilities of an XCIR electric circuit export

This possibility of export permits for example to reuse the same electric circuit in another project by means of the command importing the circuit of a file XCIR.

The XML format has the following advantages:

  • no limitation of the file size (contrary to the format PyFlux): which permits to use this format to save circuit automatically
  • contains information permitting to import only circuit components compatible with the destination application
  • contains information on the circuit-finite elements coupling: the user can consider importing by means of the circuit the associations circuit – finite elements if the project of destination has a physical and geometrical description identical to the original project (this one is an import option).
  • contains all the electric circuit information (graphic information + in options the characterization of each component)
  • contains information permitting to adapt the models of the components if they are different according to the applications.

Limitation of Pyflux format

it is possible to export the circuit in a PyFlux file (dedicated format for advanced user willing to work only with PyFlux file.

There is a limitation as to the number of authorized characters in a file PyFlux upon execution.

A more or less large circuit having graphic information can rapidly pass beyond this limit, which turns the file circuit.py execution impossible.

That is why for each of the python commands in the circuit there are no commands called Flux3D_log.py or Flux2D_log.py not to overcharge these files.

In this case, the only solution for the user is to separate the file circuit.py into more files circuit1.py, circuit2.pycircuitn.py, and he has to execute them one by one in order to recover the initially exported electric circuit