Description of an electric circuit via format XmlCir import


The user has the possibility to describe an electric circuit via an import of file to the XmlXCir format carrying the extension XCIR.(X ml CIR cuit).

This file is previously obtained by the user starting from the Flux software by export of circuit to a file XCIR

Options of importing from a file XCIR

The import of a file XCIR has several options that the user can choose from:

  • option Import the components values
  • option Import the circuit-finite elements associations

Each of these options is explained in the following sections.

Importing the values

The user can choose to import or not to import all the characteristics of the electric circuit components contained in the file *.xcir.

The values can be numeric or parametrized on condition that the parameters be already existing in the destination project of the import.

Otherwise, these values are not imported and the corresponding field will be empty.

Importing the field-circuit associations

The user can choose to import or not to import the associations circuit-finite elements contained in the file *.xcir.

  • condition: The project and the application of destination must have the type of regions of the defined conductor beforehand.

    The association circuit-finite elements cannot be carried out if this condition is not fulfilled.

  • usefulness: This option has its usefulness:
    • it automatically saves circuit
    • it imports the same electric circuit to a project having the same geometry and physical description (only for region of the circuit type)
  • contribution: Permits to user to avoid distributing for example the n solid/coil conductors to the n faces/volumes of the geometry of his project identical to the initial project where the electric circuit has been exported to.
  • restriction: If the circuit-finite elements associations cannot be carried out (non observed condition), the import is not done.

Management of incompatible components

Not all the types of components are compatible with all the applications. ( Compatibility of components after the application ).

In the case of an electric circuit import containing non compatible with the destination application components, the only import carried out is that of compatible components. Therefore the circuit contains errors and it must be modified by the circuit editor.

Management of models

Certain models of components are not available or they are different according the application (type and the 2D or 3D dimension).

The import of a file xcir permits to automatically manage the models according to the destination application.

The tables below present the components referred to:

Component Available models Applications covered
Transient Magnetic 2D (historical) Transient Magnetic 2D (new) Transient Magnetic 3D
Diode Ron/Roff X X X
exponential X X
Component Available models Applications covered
Magneto harmonic Transient Magnetic
Voltage source sinusoidal X
Formula to define X
Current source sinusoidal X
Formula to define X

Describing an electric circuit via import

It is considered that the electric circuit has previously been described and exported to the file xcir

To describe an electric circuit via the import of a file xcir:

Step Action
1 Point on Circuit and click on Importing circuit of a file xcir in the Physical menu
The corresponding dialogue box is opened.
2 Choose the Name and path of recording of the file xcir

Choose the import options:

  • Import or not the value of the components
  • Import or not the circuit-finite elements associations
4 Validate the import by clicking on OK

The file import has been done

The list of components incompletely characterized is displayed

The list of components that could not be imported is displayed

The user has the possibility to operate the circuit modifications if this is incompletely described (values + graphic information)