Snapping Settings

Specify the snapping targets and workplane grid that apply when pressing Ctrl+Shift.

On the Tools tab, in the Snapping group, click the  Snap Settings icon.

Figure 1. The Snapping settings dialog.

Snapping targets

You can specify the type of snapping targets that apply when pressing Ctrl+Shift. The following snapping targets are available:
  • Named points
  • Geometry (interest points only)
  • Geometry surfaces and wires
  • Mesh

Workplane / Work surface snap options

You can specify how to snap to points on the workplane.

Auto grid
The workplane grid size is determined automatically. You can snap to any point on the grid lattice.
You can snap to any point on the workplane.
Fixed grid
The workplane grid is specified by Size. You can snap to any point on the grid lattice.
Figure 2. Enable the workplane grid display and tick marks to view the grid lattice.

Snapping Offset

You can specify the snap offset from a surface or plane. In the Snap offset from surfaces and planes field, enter a value for the offset.
Tip: Specify the snap offset to define a cable path at an offset from complex geometry.