Requesting a Far Field
Add a far field request to the model.
On the Request tab, in the
Solution Requests group, click the
Far Fields icon.
Figure 1. The Request Far Fields dialog.
Select one of the following:
- To calculate the general far field pattern or bistatic RCS1, click Calculate fields as
specified. The Spherical coordinate
system is generally used to define far fields.
- To specify a pattern, enter the Start, End and Increment.
- To use a commonly-defined pattern, click one of the following:
- Horizontal cut (UV plane)
- Vertical cut (UN plane)
- Vertical cut (VN plane)
- 3D pattern
- To calculate monostatic radar cross section (RCS) or if an RCS
optimisation search is based on this far field request, click
Calculate fields in plane wave incident
No additional parameters are required as the scattered fields are only calculated in the direction that the incident plane wave is coming from. The workplane settings of the incident plane (rotation or translation of the local coordinate system) are used for the far field calculation.
Note: For an RCS calculation, the model must contain a plane wave source2.
- To calculate the general far field pattern or bistatic RCS1, click Calculate fields as
specified. The Spherical coordinate
system is generally used to define far fields.
- In the Label field, add a unique label for the request.
- Click Create to request the far field result and to close the dialog.
1 radar
cross section
2 with single or multiple directions
of incidence