Command Line Example Commands

This section provides examples of the default processing options, and how to specify processing options and run simulation and export data.

Default Processing Options

  1. Create and save a simulation deck using EDEM Creator.
  2. Open a console (cmd) window then enter the following command:
    edem.exe --console -i "c:\My documents\edem\mysim.dem" --rewind
    The deck rewinds to the beginning, and then each Time Step is processed. A message is displayed once complete.
  3. Open the deck and use the EDEM Analyst to perform post-processing.

Specify Processing Options

  1. Create and save a simulation deck using EDEM Creator.
  2. Open a console (cmd) window then change the folder to the EDEM bin folder.
  3. Enter the following command:
    edem.exe --console -i "c:\My documents\EDEM\mysim.dem" –p 4 –r 10

    The simulation is run using four processors for a total run time of ten seconds.

Run Simulation and Export data

  1. Create and save a simulation deck using EDEM Creator.
  2. Open a console (cmd) window then change the folder to the EDEM bin folder.
  3. Enter the following command:
    edem.exe --console -i "c:\My Documents\EDEM\mysim.dem" -–rewind –ePC “c:\My Documents\EDEM\mysimdata.csv”

    The simulation rewinds and then runs using the default processing flags. It then exports particle and contact data to a .csv file.

Run Simulation and Export data based on Deck Configuration

  1. Create and save a simulation deck using EDEM Creator.
  2. Switch to EDEM Analyst and then select File > Export > Results Data.
  3. Define the export queries then specify the file name.
  4. Click Close.
  5. Go to EDEM Creator and save your deck.

    The configuration file is updated with details of the export queries.

  6. Open a console (cmd) window then change the folder to the EDEM bin folder.
  7. Enter the following command:
    edem.exe --console -i "c:\My Documents\EDEM\mysim.dem" -–rewind –e “c:\My Documents\EDEM\mysim.dfg”

    The simulation rewinds and runs using the default processing flags. It then exports data based on the queries defined in the configuration file of the deck.