EDEM File Types

This section lists the EDEM file types, including Standard and Optional supported file types.

File Type Description
.dem Data file Simulation data file for each simulation and exported particle. This contains information about the custom properties used in the simulation.
.dfg Config file Configuration information for the simulation. This contains the Simulator and Analyst settings.
.h5 Simulation h5 data file HDF5 files containing simulation data. Located in a sub-folder based on the simulation name.
.dll Library EDEM uses dll library files for contact models, particle body forces, and user-defined factories. Use Tools > Options > File Locations to change the file location.
.ess Data file Binary file that stores per-simulation data for selections.
If the .ess file size exceeds ~ 4.3 GB, EDEM displays the “detected corruption in settings file…” warning after opening the file due to limitations in the data structure size.
.efd Field Data file File containing the field data information. This now supports files larger than 4GB. .edf files are written in HDF5 format.
materialsDB.h5 Materials database h5 data file The Materials database used to define any material used in a model. You can transfer any material to and from a simulation (including shape and interactions) to a HDF5 file format. Use Tools > Options > File Locations to change the file location.
.ptf Particle template The particle template file containing mesh information. It is created whenever you save a model containing a particle template.
.gddb GEMM database file File containing all the material information from the EDEM GEMM database.

Standard Supported File types

File Extension Type Source Software Application
.3dm Geometry Rhino
.case Data EnSight

.CATProduct .model

Geometry CATIA v4/v5
.csv Data Any spreadsheet or other software application that can read text files
.iam .ipt Geometry Inventor
.igs .iges Geometry IGES
.jt Geometry Intergraph JT
.msh Geometry FLUENT Mesh
.obj Geometry OBJ
.sat .sab Geometry ACIS
.sldprt .sldasm Geometry Solid Works
.stl Geometry STL
.stmod Geometry Inspire
.stp .step Geometry STEP
.x_t .xmt .txt .x_b Geometry Parasolid
.prt Geometry NX file
.prt .asm .g Geometry Pro/E

Optional Supported File types

File Type Source Software Application
.cgns Data(enabled with the Field Data Coupling Module) CFD software applications that can read the generic CFD General Notation System format. For example, FLUENT, CFX, and STAR-CD.