Easy mode

1. User input parameters

Label Symbol Tooltip, note, formula
No. Layers N Layers Number of layers - 1 or 2 (Easy mode).
Coil pitch   Coil pitch = number of slot pitch between coil input and coil output (Easy mode / Advanced mode).
Winding type * Winding type - Lap or Concentric (Easy mode / Advanced mode).
Phase sequence * Phase sequence (all modes).
No. parallel paths P paths Number of parallel paths (all modes).

2. Building the winding architecture - Easy mode – Main principles

Building the winding architecture - Easy mode
1 Selection of the Easy mode for building the winding architecture.

Selection of coil pitch. The proposed solutions depend on the number of slots, the number of poles and the number of phases.

Example 1: With 12 slots,10 poles and 3 phases, only one solution is proposed: a tooth winding.

Example 2: With 48 slots, 8 poles and 3 phases, two solutions are proposed: 5 or 6.

For various possibilities, a list of solutions is proposed.


Selection of the number of layers. The proposed solutions depend on the number of slots, the number of poles and the number of phases.

Example: With 12 slots, 10 poles and 3 phases, only one solution is proposed: 1 layer.

The three possible cases are illustrated below.

4 Number of parallel paths.

The possible numbers of parallel paths are automatically computed and proposed to the user.

When the user chooses a number of parallel paths, the connections on the winding scheme are automatically updated.

See examples in Auto mode chapter.

5 Selection of winding type: Concentric or Lap.Illustration of these two types of winding is given below.
6 Definition of the phase sequence i.e. the rotation direction of the Magneto-Motive Force (M.M.F):

Clockwise or Counter clockwise.The rotation direction is defined when facing the machine on the connection side.

7 Icon to restore default input values.

Default values are those which defined the winding architecture by using the automatic mode.

8 Icon to apply inputs. Pressing the enter key twice applies inputs too.
9 Icon to export winding data into a text file

3. Number of layers

Building the winding architecture – The number of layers is represented in the winding scheme
1 Example where the No. layers is equal to 1.
2 Example where the No. layers is equal to 2.

4. Coil pitch

Building the winding architecture – Definition of the coil pitch(N° Slot return coil) - (N° Slot Go coil)
1 Example where the coil pitch is equal to 5 - From slot 1 to slot 6 (6-1 = 5).
2 Example where the coil pitch is equal to 6 - From slot 1 to slot 7 (7-1 = 6).

5. Winding type

Building the winding architecture – Definition of the winding type: Lap or Concentric
1 Example for the concentric winding type.
2 Example for the Lap winding type.