
Vegetation databases contain information about the height at a given location. The databases are based on pixel matrices. Each pixel defines the height for a given location (for example, the center of the pixel).

Figure 1. Example of a vegetation database.

Vegetation objects which should be considered during the computation must contain a height value bigger than zero.

The following types of vegetation objects are supported:
Vector format
The WallMan application provides the feature to place vegetation objects in the form of vector orientated objects. The disadvantage of this format type results in the missing information of the topographical surface over large areas.
Pixel format
The databases are based on pixel matrices. Each pixel defines the height for a given location (for example, the center of the pixel). The height information must be given as a relative height.

Conversion of Vegetation Objects

Vector-based vegetation objects can be converted into the pixel format. You have to pre-process the urban vector database format (.odb) with the WallMan application.

Computation Settings

If an urban database contains vector based vegetation objects, then there is no possibility to consider pixel based vegetation objects. You have to select during the database generation which type of vegetation database should be used during the propagation.