Used to import a DMIG file which is the reduced representation of the behavior and performance of a structure or a part of a structure.
- In the Project Tree, click the Connections workbench.
On the Connections workbench, select
➔ Superelement.
- Select the desired units for the interface/grid point coordinates, stiffness and mass matrix, and load vectors.
Select the desired .dmig file from the File
- Available for linear static and modal analysis
- Can consider stiffness matrix, mass matrix and load vectors from the .dmig file imported
- Currently, SimSolid can consider the DMIG file created using static condensation (Guyan method) or dynamic condensation (CBN method). It is recommended to use the DMIG file created using CBN method for modal analysis to capture the modes accurately.
Tip: Currently, .dmig format is supported. Edit the extension to .dmig from .pch to use a PUNCH file.