
Define directional stiffness and inertia coefficients.

A bushing is a type of vibration isolator that allows only a certain amount of movement. Bushings in SimSolid can be defined between two parts or between a single part and the ground. They are defined using directional stiffness and inertia. SimSolid supports zero, finite, and rigid stiffness.
Note: SimSolid does not support damping.

All bushing properties are defined with respect to a bushing reference coordinate system. X,Y axis of the reference coordinate system are defined using unit vectors.

Virtual connectors create perfectly rigid boundaries, stresses along the boundary faces can have local concentrations.

  1. On the Project Tree, click on the Connections workbench
  2. On the Connections workbench, click > Bushing > Bushing.
  3. In the Virtual connector dialog, select an option for Bushing type.
  4. Under Apply to, choose apply to Face or Spot.
  5. In the modeling window, select parts on the model.
  6. Optional: If applying to Spots, create new spots by clicking Create new spot.
  7. Define the coordinate axis of the bushing.
    1. Go to the Coordinate system tab.
    2. The origin is set in COG by default. To edit the coordinates, uncheck the Set in COG checkbox and specify values for the X, Y, and Z fields.
    3. Select an option for Axis.
    4. Enter values for the X, Y, and Z direction.
  8. Specify stiffness.
    1. Go to the Stiffness tab.
    2. Enter values for Linear X, Y, and Z.
    3. Enter values for Angular X, Y, and Z.
  9. Specify inertia.
    1. Go to the Inertia tab.
    2. Specify a value for Mass.
    3. Under Inertia moments, specify values for X, Y, and Z.
  10. Specify damping.
    1. Go to the Damping tab.
    2. Enter values for Translational and Rotational damping.
  11. Click OK.
    The virtual connector appears in the Connections branch. If selected, vectors representing the connection in the modeling window are displayed.
    Note: Bushing with damping is only supported for complex eigen value analysis. Running modes automatically run complex modes.