Import Coordinate System

Import coordinate system from an external comma separated values (CSV) file. Multiple coordinates can be imported at once.

  1. On the Project Tree, click on the Assembly workbench.
  2. On the Assembly workbench toolbar, click (Import coordinate system).
  3. Define coordinate units.
  4. In the Coordinate system dialog, click Import the CSV.
  5. Browse to the desired file and click Open.
  6. Optional: Edit the coordinate value to fine tune the position.
  7. Optional: In the dialog, delete rows.
    1. Select one or more rows to delete and click Delete selected from the Delete rows dropdown.
    2. Delete invalid rows all at once (If there are multiple) by clicking Delete invalid from the Delete rows dropdown. Invalid rows are highlighted in red.
  8. Click OK.
CSV file format fields are as follows:
  • X0_CS, Y0_CS, Z0_CS – Numerical values. Spatial location of origin.
  • X1_CS, Y1_CS, Z1_CS – Numerical values. Spatial location of a point on the x-axis.
  • X2_CS, Y2_CS, Z2_CS – Numerical values. Spatial location of a point on the xy-plane.
  • Name – Alpha-numerical value to define the name of coordinate system.
Example of CSV file below.