The EN Approach uses plastic-elastic strain results to perform strain-life
Strain-life analysis is based on the fact that many critical locations such as notch
roots have stress concentration, which will have obvious plastic deformation during
the cyclic loading before fatigue failure. The elastic-plastic strain results are
essential for performing strain-life analysis.
Neuber Correction
Neuber correction is the most popular practice to correct elastic analysis results
into elastic-plastic results.
In order to derive the local stress from the nominal stress that is easier to obtain,
the concentration factors are introduced such as the local stress concentration
factor , and the local strain
concentration factor .
Where, is the local stress, is the local strain, S is the nominal stress,
and e is the nominal strain. If nominal stress and local stress are both
elastic, the local stress concentration factor is equal to the local strain
concentration factor. However, if the plastic strain is present, the relationship
between and no long holds. Thereafter, focusing on this
situation, Neuber introduced a theoretically elastic stress concentration factor
defined as:
Through linear static analysis, the local stress instead of nominal stress is
provided, which implies the effect of the geometry in Equation 4 is
removed, thus you can set as 1 and rewrite Equation 4
Where, , is locally elastic stress and locally elastic strain
obtained from elastic analysis, , the stress and strain at the presence of plastic
strain. Both and can be calculated from Eq.9 together with the
equations for the cyclic stress-strain curve and hysteresis loop.
Cyclic Stress-Strain Curve
Material exhibits different behavior under cyclic load compared with that of
monotonic load. Generally, there are four kinds of response:
Stable state
Cyclic hardening
Cyclic softening
Softening or hardening depending on strain range
Which response will occur depends on its nature and initial condition of heat
treatment. The figure below illustrates the effect of cyclic hardening and cyclic
softening where the first two hysteresis loops of two different materials are
plotted. In both cases, the strain is constrained to change in fixed range, while
the stress is allowed to change arbitrarily. If the stress amplitude increases
relative to the former cycle under fixed strain range, as shown in Material cyclic
response (a), it is called cyclic hardening; otherwise, it is called
cyclic softening (b). Figure 1. Material cyclic response (a) Cyclic hardening; (b) Cyclic
softening Cyclic response of material can also be described by specifying the stress
amplitude and leaving strain unconstrained. If the strain amplitude increases
relative to the former cycle under fixed stress range, it is called cyclic
softening; otherwise, it is called cyclic hardening. In fact, the cyclic behavior of
material will reach a steady state after a short time which generally occupies less
than 10 percent of the material total life. Through specifying different strain
amplitudes, a series of hysteresis loops at steady state can be obtained. By placing
these hysteresis loops in one coordinate system, as shown in Figure 2, the line
connecting all the vertices of these hysteresis loops determine cyclic stress-strain
curve.Figure 2. Definition of stable stress-strain curve
This can be expressed in the similar form with monotonic stress-strain curve as:
Hysteresis Loop Shape
Bauschinger observed that after the initial load had caused plastic strain, load
reversal caused materials to exhibit anisotropic behavior. Based on experiment
evidence, Massing put forward the hypothesis that a stress-strain hysteresis loop is
geometrically similar to the cyclic stress strain curve, but with twice the
magnitude. This implies that when the quantity
is two times of
, the stress-strain cycle will lie
on the hysteresis loop. This can be expressed with formulas:
Expressing in terms of , in terms of , and substituting it into Equation 6, the
hysteresis loop formula can be calculated as:
Almost a century ago, Basquin observed the linear relationship between stress and
fatigue life in log scale when the stress is limited. He put forward the following
fatigue formula controlled by stress:
Where, is stress amplitude, fatigue strength coefficient, b fatigue strength
exponent. Later in the 1950s, Coffin and Manson independently proposed that plastic
strain may also be related with fatigue life by a simple power law:
Where, is plastic strain amplitude,
fatigue ductility coefficient,
fatigue ductility exponent. Morrow
combined the work of Basquin, Coffin and Manson to consider both elastic strain and
plastic strain contribution to the fatigue life. He found out that the total strain
has more direct correlation with fatigue life. By applying Hooke Law, Basquin rule
can be rewritten as:
Where, is elastic strain amplitude.
Total strain amplitude, which is the sum of the elastic strain and plastic stain,
therefore, can be described by applying Basquin formula and Coffin-Manson
Where, is the total strain amplitude,
the other variable is the same with above.