Import Loadcase-channel Map
Import a loadcase-channel map file to import all the channels defined in the file and create appropriate events.
The loadcases and channels are automatically mapped to create an event.
- In the Project Tree, open the Fatigue SN/EN Time Workbench.
On the workbench toolbar, click
(Import loadcase-channel map).
For Map to, choose from the following:
- Select Structural linear from the drop-down to map the channels to structural linear loadcases.
- Select a multi-loadcase analysis to map the channels to.
- Click Set path to set the load history file directory to point to RSP/RPC files.
- Click Import from CSV and navigate to the desired loadcase-channel map file.
- Click OK.
Imported Loadcase-channel Map File Format
CSV file format for importing loadcase-channel map files.
CSV file format fields
The CSV file contains one header row and one or more additional data rows. Data
values are as follows:
- Event name – Alpha-numeric values. Name of the event.
- Repeats – Numeric values. Event repeats.
- Gate range (optional) – Numeric values. Relative fraction of maximum gate range. The reference value is the maximum range multiplied by gate range and used for gating out small disturbances or "noise" in the time series.
- Filename – The RSP/RPC filename. Other file formats are not supported.
- Channel sets - The loadcase-channel map sets.
- If empty, maps are based on the following Channel and Loadcase columns. If all are empty, maps are based in the order of channels and load cases. 1st loadcase is mapped to 1st channel, 2nd loadcase to 2nd channel and so on until the last loadcase/channel.
- If there is an input in channel sets, mapping is based on the user input. For example, if the input is 2-4;6. The 1st three loadcases are mapped to channels 2 to 4, and the 4th loadcase is mapped to the 6th channel.
The remaining columns can be used to map individual channels and loadcases. The
Channel sets column must be empty or removed to use this mapping.
- Channel - Name of a channel from the RSP/RPC file to be mapped to the loadcase in the following column.
- Loadcase - Name of a loadcase in SimSolid structural analysis to map the channel from the previous column to.
- Channel scale - Scale of the individually mapped channel.
- Channel offset - Offset of the individually mapped channel.
Example CSV file
Event name, Repeats, Gate range, Filename, Channel sets, Channel, Loadcase, Channel scale, Channel offset
Event 1,12000,0, 1st_event.rsp, ,Channel_1,Structural 1,1,0
Event 1,,, , ,Channel_2,Structural 2,2,0
Event 1,, , , ,Channel_3,Structural 1,3,1
Event 3,8000,0, 12th_event.rsp,2-4;6,,,,