Engine Keyword Generate H3D contour output results for SPH.



#optional next line(s) that lists the parts to save results for.

part_ID1... part_IDN


# Stress tensor results for all integration points
# Specific energy density results for only parts IDs 356 and 293.
356 293


Field Contents SI Unit Example
Keyword3 Output types. 3
Keyword4 Output types. 3
part_IDN Optional list of part IDs for which results will be output.


  1. The syntax /H3D/ELEM/Keyword3/Keyword4 is also valid.
  2. When PART IDs are listed after the /H3D/SPH line, the specified results will only be output for those parts.
  3. Output can be a, scalar or tensor as defined in the following tables.
    Table 1. Scalar Output
    Keyword3 Keyword4 Description
    DAM1, DAM2, DAM3 Principal damage values in local cracking skew direction 1, 2 or 3 for material LAW24.
    DAMA Maximum of damage over time of all /FAIL criteria acting on one material. Refer to the specific /FAIL law used for how damage is calculated.
    DENS Density
    DT Time step
    EINT Internal energy ( ρ eV)
    EINTV Internal energy density ( ρ e)
    EINTM Specific internal energy (e)
    ENTH Enthalpy (e+pV)
    ENTHV Enthalpy density (e/V +p)
    ENTHM Massic enthalpy (e + pV) / m
    DIAMETER SPH Diameter
    DOMAIN SPMD domain number of an element.
    ENER Specific energy density (internal energy divided by the element mass).
    EPSP Plastic strain for material laws greater than 28.
    GROUP Internal group identifier
    MASS Element mass
    OFF Element status.
    Where the result output is:
    = -1
    Element is not active (it is defined in an activated rigid body).
    = 0
    Deleted element.
    Between 0 and 1
    Under failure process.
    = 1
    Active element.
    P Pressure
    SIGEQ Equivalent stress based on a material’s yield criteria. Some examples of yield criteria are von Mises, Hill or Barlat.
    SIGX, SIGY, SIGZ, SIGXY, SIGYZ, SIGZX Stress in specified direction.
    TEMP Temperature
    TILLOTSON Region identifier for Tillotson Equation of State (/EOS/TILLOTSON)
    VONM von Mises stress
    i or ALL
    User material (/MAT/USERij) law output for user-defined variable i. Also, requests USR output for some Radioss material laws. USR1 output is requested using UVAR=1.
    Table 2. Tensor Output
    Keyword3 Keyword4 Description
    TENS STRAIN Strain tensor for material laws greater than 28.
    STRESS Stress tensor
    DAMA Cracks tensor at integration points for Material LAW24 only.