Engine Keyword Generate H3D contour output results for /QUAD quad elements.



#optional next line(s) that lists the parts to save results for.

part_ID1... part_IDN


Field Contents SI Unit Example
Keyword3 Output types.
Keyword4 Output types.
Keyword5 Output types.
part_IDN Optional list of part IDs for which results will be output.
Table 1. Scalar Output
Keyword3 Keyword4 Description
BULK Artificial Viscosity
DAM1, DAM2, DAM3 Principal damage values in local cracking skew direction 1, 2 or 3 for material LAW24 with /QUAD elements
DENS Density
DT Time step
EINT Internal energy ( ρ eV)
EINTM Specific internal energy (e)
EINTV Internal energy density ( ρ e)
ENTH Enthalpy (e+pV)
ENTHM Massic enthalpy (e + pV) / m
ENTHV Enthalpy density (e/V +p)
EPSP Mean element plastic strain (or plastic work for /MAT/LAW15 and /MAT/LAW25)



Damage of a specific failure criterion references by its optional identifier fail_ID defined in the Starter file.

(for MODE output, refer to Comment 4)

GROUP Internal group identifier
HOURGLASS Hourglass energy per mass unit
OFF Element status.
Where the result output is:
= -1
Element is not active (it is defined in an activated rigid body).
= 0
Deleted element.
Between 0 and 1
Under failure process.
= 1
Active element.
P Pressure
SIGEQ Equivalent stress based on a material’s yield criteria. Some examples of yield criteria are von Mises, Hill or Barlat.
SIGX,SIGY,SIGZ, SIGXY,SIGYZ,SIGZX Mean element stress in specified direction.
TILLOTSON Region identifier for Tillotson Equation of State (/EOS/TILLOTSON)
TSAIWU Tsai Wu criterion for /MAT/LAW12 (3D_COMP), /MAT/LAW14 (COMPSO), /MAT/LAW15 (CHANG) and /MAT/LAW25 (COMPSH)
VONM Mean element von Mises stress.
i or ALL
User material (/MAT/USERij) law output for user-defined variable i.
Table 2. Scalar ALE and CFD Output
Keyword3 Keyword4 Description
BFRAC Burn fraction
COLOR 1*vfrac1 + 2*vfrac2 + .... + last*vfracN (LAW51 and LAW151 only)
DIV(U) Volumetric dilatation rate
K Specific for turbulent energy in CFD
LAW20 DENS1 Density for first material
DENS2 Density for second material
ENER1 Specific Energy for first material
ENER2 Specific Energy for second material
EPSP1 Plastic Strain for first material
P1 Pressure for first material
P2 Pressure for second material
QVIS1 Artificial Viscosity for first material
QVIS2 Artificial Viscosity for second material
SSP1 Sound speed for first material. Only available with ALE material laws.
SSP2 Sound speed for second material. Only available with ALE material laws.
TEMP1 Temperature for first material
TEMP2 Temperature for second material
VOLUM1 Volume for first material
VOLUM2 Volume for second material
MACH Mach number (/MAT/LAW151 only)
SCHLIEREN Schlieren image (optical method widely used in CFD field). ALE material laws
SSP Sound speed. Only available with ALE material laws.
TDET Detonation time output.
TVIS Specific for turbulent viscosity in CFD
VFRAC1,VFRAC2, VFRAC3,VFRAC4 Volumetric fractions (for ALE multi-material laws: LAW20, LAW37 and LAW51)
VORTX Vorticity for ALE material in X direction.
VECT VEL Velocity vectors at finite volume cell centroids.
ACC Acceleration vectors at finite volume cell centroids.
Table 3. Tensor Output
Keyword3 Keyword4 Keyword5 Description
TENS DAMA Cracks tensor at integration points for /MAT/LAW24 only.

If Keyword5 is blank, the mean value in the element is output.

i or ALL
j or ALL
Plastic strain tensor at integration points, only available for /MAT/LAW24 with Icap=2.

If Keyword5 is blank, the mean value element is output.

i or ALL
j or ALL
Strain tensor at integration points.

If Keyword5 is blank, the mean value in the element is output.

i or ALL
j or ALL
Stress tensor at integration points.

If Keyword5 is blank, the mean value in the element is output.


# Mean element von Mises stress
# Specific Energy output for only Parts 1, 55, and 75.
1 55 75
# User variable #12 results
# Material LAW20 density for the first material


  1. The syntax /H3D/ELEM/Keyword3/Keyword4/Keyword5 is also valid.
  2. When PART IDs are listed after the /H3D/QUAD line the specified results will only be output for those parts.
  3. To request integration point results, use /IR=i/IS=j notation where the options can be entered in any order.
  4. For failure criteria using different modes (mainly for composites), such as /FAIL/HASHIN, /FAIL/CHANG, and so on, these different modes can be output using the /H3D/QUAD/FAILURE option with the keyword MODE. You can choose to plot a specific mode using its number I (refer to the failure criterion documentation for mode number details), or all modes with ALL.