Engine Keyword Generate H3D contour output results for /QUAD quad elements.
#optional next line(s) that lists the parts to save results for.
part_ID1... part_IDN
Field | Contents | SI Unit Example |
Keyword3 | Output types. | |
Keyword4 | Output types. | |
Keyword5 | Output types. | |
part_IDN | Optional list of part IDs for which results will be output. |
Keyword3 | Keyword4 | Description |
BULK | Artificial Viscosity | |
DAM1, DAM2, DAM3 | Principal damage values in local cracking skew direction 1, 2 or 3 for material LAW24 with /QUAD elements | |
DENS | Density | |
DT | Time step | |
EINT | Internal energy ( eV) | |
EINTM | Specific internal energy (e) | |
EINTV | Internal energy density ( e) | |
ENTH | Enthalpy (e+pV) | |
ENTHM | Massic enthalpy (e + pV) / m | |
ENTHV | Enthalpy density (e/V +p) | |
EPSP | Mean element plastic strain (or plastic work for /MAT/LAW15 and /MAT/LAW25) | |
FAILURE | ID= fail_ID or ALL (mandatory) MODE = I or ALL |
Damage of a specific failure
criterion references by its optional identifier fail_ID defined in the Starter file. (for MODE output, refer to Comment 4) |
GROUP | Internal group identifier | |
HOURGLASS | Hourglass energy per mass unit | |
OFF | Element status. Where the result output is:
P | Pressure | |
SIGEQ | Equivalent stress based on a material’s yield criteria. Some examples of yield criteria are von Mises, Hill or Barlat. | |
SIGX,SIGY,SIGZ, SIGXY,SIGYZ,SIGZX | Mean element stress in specified direction. | |
TILLOTSON | Region identifier for Tillotson Equation of State (/EOS/TILLOTSON) | |
TSAIWU | Tsai Wu criterion for /MAT/LAW12 (3D_COMP), /MAT/LAW14 (COMPSO), /MAT/LAW15 (CHANG) and /MAT/LAW25 (COMPSH) | |
VONM | Mean element von Mises stress. | |
User material (/MAT/USERij) law output for user-defined variable i. |
Keyword3 | Keyword4 | Description |
BFRAC | Burn fraction | |
COLOR | 1*vfrac1 + 2*vfrac2 + .... + last*vfracN (LAW51 and LAW151 only) | |
DIV(U) | Volumetric dilatation rate | |
K | Specific for turbulent energy in CFD | |
LAW20 | DENS1 | Density for first material |
DENS2 | Density for second material | |
ENER1 | Specific Energy for first material | |
ENER2 | Specific Energy for second material | |
EPSP1 | Plastic Strain for first material | |
P1 | Pressure for first material | |
P2 | Pressure for second material | |
QVIS1 | Artificial Viscosity for first material | |
QVIS2 | Artificial Viscosity for second material | |
SSP1 | Sound speed for first material. Only available with ALE material laws. | |
SSP2 | Sound speed for second material. Only available with ALE material laws. | |
TEMP1 | Temperature for first material | |
TEMP2 | Temperature for second material | |
VOLUM1 | Volume for first material | |
VOLUM2 | Volume for second material | |
MACH | Mach number (/MAT/LAW151 only) | |
SCHLIEREN | Schlieren image (optical method widely used in CFD field). ALE material laws | |
SSP | Sound speed. Only available with ALE material laws. | |
TDET | Detonation time output. | |
TVIS | Specific for turbulent viscosity in CFD | |
VFRAC1,VFRAC2, VFRAC3,VFRAC4 | Volumetric fractions (for ALE multi-material laws: LAW20, LAW37 and LAW51) | |
VORTX | Vorticity for ALE material in X direction. | |
VECT | VEL | Velocity vectors at finite volume cell centroids. |
ACC | Acceleration vectors at finite volume cell centroids. |
Keyword3 | Keyword4 | Keyword5 | Description |
TENS | DAMA | Cracks tensor at integration points for
/MAT/LAW24 only. If Keyword5 is blank, the mean value in the element is output. |
Plastic strain tensor at integration points, only available
for /MAT/LAW24 with
Icap=2. If Keyword5 is blank, the mean value element is output. |
Strain tensor at integration points. If Keyword5 is blank, the mean value in the element is output. |
Stress tensor at integration points. If Keyword5 is blank, the mean value in the element is output. |
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- The syntax /H3D/ELEM/Keyword3/Keyword4/Keyword5 is also valid.
- When PART IDs are listed after the /H3D/QUAD line the specified results will only be output for those parts.
- To request integration point results, use /IR=i/IS=j notation where the options can be entered in any order.
- For failure criteria using different modes (mainly for composites), such as /FAIL/HASHIN, /FAIL/CHANG, and so on, these different modes can be output using the /H3D/QUAD/FAILURE option with the keyword MODE. You can choose to plot a specific mode using its number I (refer to the failure criterion documentation for mode number details), or all modes with ALL.