New Keywords in 2024
New and modified features in Radioss.
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New Starter Keywords
- /ALE/GRID/FLOW-TRACKING - ALE mesh motion and deformation based on mass-weighted average velocity of the material flow inside the ALE mesh
- /BCS/WALL - Defines the sliding wall boundary condition with collocated scheme (FVM)
- /DAMP/VREL - To define the Rayleigh mass damping relative to the average velocity of the set of nodes or the motion of the local frame
- /EOS/EXPONENTIAL - Provides an exponential time-dependent pressure model
- /FAIL/FRACTAL_DAMAGE - Initializing a fractal pattern of pre-damaged elements
- /FAIL/ORTHENERG - An orthotropic failure criterion based on fracture energy generating a stress softening
- /MAT/LAW126 (JOHNSON_HOLMQUIST_CONCRETE) - Describes the behavior of brittle materials, more specifically dedicated to concrete
- /PRELOAD/AXIAL - Defines a preloading force applied to the set of beam, truss or spring elements
Modified Starter Keywords
- /ANALY - Removed Isubcycle which is no longer supported
- /FAIL/BIQUAD - Added stress softening parameters, ICOUP, DCRIT and EXP
- /FAIL/JOHNSON - Added new parameter, EPSFmin
- /FAIL/TAB2 - Added new flags, FCT_TEMP, TEMP_REF, and FSCALE_TEMP
- /PROP/TYPE9 (SH_ORTH), /PROP/TYPE10 (SH_COMP), /PROP/TYPE11 (SH_SANDW) and /PROP/TYPE16 (SH_FABR) - Added new flag, IP=26
- /SET/GENERAL - Added new options, PLANE, ELLIPS and NODENS
New Engine Keywords
- /ADYREL/1 - Dynamic relaxation with auto-defined adaptive damping applied to node group grnd_ID
- /IMPL/MUMPS/OUTCORE - MUMPS solver will use minimum in-core memory
- /SENS/RESET - Option to reset the sensor status at the beginning of the run
New LS-DYNA Keywords
- *CONTACT_AIRBAG_SINGLE_SURFACE - Define automatic single contact for airbags
- *CONTACT_ERODING_SURFACE_TO_SURFACE - Define surface to surface contact between a set of shell and solid elements
- *CONTROL_PARALLEL - Define parallel arithmetic option
- *DAMPING_RELATIVE - Defines the Rayleigh mass damping relative to the average velocity of the set of nodes or rigid part motion
- *DEFINE_ELEMENT_DEATH - Define an element set to delete at a given time value
- *ELEMENT_SPH - Defines a Smooth Particle Hydrodynamic (SPH)
- *ELEMENT_TSHELL - Defines 3-dimensional thick shell elements
- *EOS_001 (LINEAR_POLYNOMIAL) - Defines a linear polynomial equation of state
- *EOS_GRUNEISEN - Defines a Gruneisen equation of state
- *INITIAL_AXIAL_FORCE_BEAM - Defines initial axial force applied to beams as function of time
- *MAT_001_FLUID (ELASTIC_FLUID) - Defines an isotropic, linear elastic material using Hooke’s law
- *MAT_030 (SHAPE_MEMORY) - Defines a super-elastic memory shape alloy material (SMA) compatible with integrated beam, solid and shell elements
- *MAT_154 (DESHPANDE_FLECK_FOAM) - Defines a material for modeling aluminum foam
- *MAT_187 (SAMP-1) - Defines a semi-analytical model for polymers material
- *MAT_252 (TOUGHENED_ADHESIVE_POLYMER) - A non-associated elasto-plastic model for polymer adhesives
- *SECTION_TSHELL - Defines the finite element properties of thick shell elements
Modified LS-DYNA Keywords
- *CONTROL_TIMESTEP - Added new flag, LCTM
- *DATABASE_HISTORY - Added new option, SPH
- *ELEMENT_SHELL - Added new optional flag, BETA
- *MAT_003 (PLASTIC_KINEMATIC) - Added new flag, VP