Populate Entity View with Selected Content

Pick required entities, including Nodes and Elements, to be shown in the respective browser and further review and edit data with attribute columns.

Click in the entity view to invoke a selection context.

Note: When unnamed entities (Nodes, Elements, and so on) exceed the threshold value, the selection context is automatically invoked upon opening the respective entity view.
Figure 1.

Select entities of interest using any selection method, such as picking directly from the graphics, advance selections, and so on. Click on the guide bar to populate the browser with your selection and keep the context open or click to populate the browser and close the context.

The "Select entities" icon remains highlighted to indicate that the browser is showing subset of the available content.

Click again to append or replace the browser contents with another selection.

The existing contents in the browser are auto-selected to easily append to the current selection. To completely replace the contents, click on the guide bar and make a new selection.

Click to reset the browser to show all contents (for named entities) or to clear the browser (for unnamed entities).

Like in regular browsers views, attribute columns and advanced filtering can be used for fast and efficient review and editing of the selected contents.