Browser Preferences

Define browser preferences.

From the File menu, select Preferences > HyperMesh > Browsers to define the following browser preferences.

Left justify numeric fields
Left justifies the numeric fields in the Entity Editor.
Right justify numeric fields in Card-Editor
Right justifies the numeric fields in the Card Editor.
Show entities in model and subsystem browsers
Shows the entities under sub-folders in the Model Browser and Subsystem Browser.
Show keyword level under elements folder
Shows the keyword level under the elements folder in the Model Browser, include, and Subsystem Browser.
Limit Entity Populations
Enter a value to change the limit for the entity populations in browsers.
Autofit graphics
Automatically sizes graphics to fit inside the modeling window when performing Show/Hide/Isolate from graphics or a browser.
Autoscroll browser
Automatically scrolls the browser to the selection when an entity is selected graphically.
Automatically sorts the entities in the currently applied sorting (Name, ID, and so on) upon creating and editing entities.
Live filtering
Enables live filtering of entities upon data modification with a filter applied.
Tree lines
Displays line connections between folders and entities in the hierarchy tree.
Show nested entities on filtering
Facilitates the listing of nested entities when a top-level entity is filtered. For example, when an include file is found as the result of a filter, all of its nested content is shown.
Invoke browser on double-click in graphics
Invokes the respective browser upon double-clicking an entity in graphics.
Sync idle selector and active browser
Always: Sets the idle selector to the respective entity upon switching to a browser, and sets the active browser to the respective view upon setting an entity type in the idle selector.
Only on browser switch: Sets the idle selector to the respective entity upon switching to a browser.
Only on idle selector switch: Sets the active browser to the respective view upon setting an entity type in the idle selector.
Never: Does not sync the idle selector and browser.
Block review
Sets the entity type that the block entity will review based on when the block entity contains multiple entity types.
Limit for populating entity editor for idle selections
Limit for populating the Entity Editor for selections made in the idle selector.
Selection Search
Max suggestions Name
Maximum number of result suggestions for name matches.
Max suggestions ID
Maximum number of result suggestions for ID matches.
Match exact phrase
Treats the spaces as characters instead of a search term separator.