Face: about



  • can be built by Flux:
    • with the aid of automatic construction algorithm (automatic identification and creation)
    • by propagation from existing faces with the aid of transformation
    • by extrusion from existing lines with the aid of transformation
  • or can be the result of file import

Faces built by Flux

The faces built by Flux are: automatic and structured. These two face types are presented in the table below:

Face of following type is built … It is included in …
automatic with the aid of automatic construction algorithm (command Build Faces) planar, cylindrical, conical
  • by extrusion from lines (with building option Add Faces, Lines and Points)

  • within the extrusion from faces (with building option Add Volumes, Faces, Lines and Points)

  • within the propagation of faces (with building option Add Faces, Lines and Points)

planar, cylindrical, conical

toroidal, spherical, helical

… surface

Complementary information on the construction of faces is given in sections Construction by extrusion, Construction by propagation.

Imported faces

There are two types of imported faces: list of facets and complex. These types are presented in the table below:

Face of following type is imported within … It is included in …
list of facets mesh import (NASTRAN / PATRAN / IDEAS Universal formats) unspecified
complex geometry import (IGES / STEP formats) unspecified
… surface

Information on faces coming from the NASTRAN, PATRAN, UNV Ideas file importation is given in chapter Data importation: principles.

Nature of faces

Flux allows the user to modify the consideration of entities for building and meshing the volumes.

A specific feature, called nature, is attached to the faces. There are some examples of nature attribute using in section Geometry building module of chapter Geometry: principles.